Date or Trip? Day 1

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(Y/n POV)

Y/n: Hey shortcake, I'm free at the weekend. Let's go on a date.


A few seconds later.

Chaeyoung: Really?! Yay!!! Finally a date!!

I chuckled at her replies.

Y/n: Alright, see you later.

Chaeyoung: I can't wait!!

Okay, so where should I take her too? Waterpark? Nah, too crowded. Just park? Boring. Cafe? Same. Dinner? Only dinner? Mainstream. Karaoke? Maybe. Beaches? Ooo...put that on the list. Hmm...should I just plan a trip? That could be something, I can put all of the above inside one trip, yeah. But where? I would like to have greenery on our trip. Ah, I know! Tea plantation! Yes, that'll be perfect, not only can I admire the beautiful scenery but also her gorgeous face. Perfect! Let me search it up... Nice I found one, Boseong Green Tea Field. A little bit far but that's okay, I haven't been on a proper date with her. Great! She'll never forget this date! Time to buy the tickets.







Oh yeah.

I've got no money.


Jay. I can borrow money from his thick wallet.

Y/n: Yo Jay!

Jay: Wassup?

Y/n: Come here a sec.

Jay: No mate you come here, I'm playin' FIFA.

Y/n: Aishh.

Jay: Okay what you tryna say?

Y/n: Can you lend me some money?

He paused the game, grabbed his phone and did something on it.

Jay: Done.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Jay: Check your balance.

A notification just came out stating that I got transferred money from Jay. A LOT of it.

Y/n: Did you just--

Jay: I know you wanted to go on a date with Chae right?

Y/n: This is too much, it would take me a long time to give it back to you.

Jay: Don't worry, I'm not lending you money, I'm giving it to you.

Y/n: You didn't.

Jay: I just did.


I lunged and bro-hugged him.


Jay: Oh great look. That guy just scored at injury time, I've just lost my 99 rated CR7 because of you. Perfect timing Y/n.

Y/n: Hehe, sorry.


The day has come. I will take my shortcake on a trip to the edge of the country, where the scent of green tea and fresh air combined with the beauty of mountainside lies perfectly. All was set, tickets, money, basically everything for an outstanding date with my one and only baby cub. Chaeyoung.

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