Yes, We Are Dating

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(Y/n POV)

I closed my eyes while moving my head closer. I can't believe this, I'm actually going to kiss her, I'm going to kiss Dahyun from TWICE. Is this real? A lot of men dreamt of just seeing her, and I'm here inches away from interlocking my lips with hers. The thought of dating her crossed my mind, it'll be fun. Imagine dating one of the members of Korea's biggest girl group, how would it feel? I don't know. Our lips were almost touching when suddenly...

Dahyun: No.

I stopped and opened my eyes. I'm confused.

Dahyun: No, you don't love me.

Y/n: What do you mean? I love you.

Dahyun: No you don't Y/n. I can see it in your eyes, your lying.

Y/n: No I'm not.

Dahyun: Yes you are. You're lying to yourself, to your heart.

Y/n: Dahyun...I don't...I don't understand.

Dahyun: Your mouths let out those words but your heart says otherwise. Your heart rejects everything you feel about me. Your heart chooses someone else, she is way better than me according to it. And that someone else is Chaeyoung.

I was shocked. I don't know what to do, my mouth wouldn't deny what she just said as if it was true all along. 

Dahyun: You have to stop running from yourself and embrace it. Denying will only make it worse. Trust your heart Y/n.

She's right, all this time I ran away from my true feelings, denying it as soon as it emerges. Dahyun was never the girl that I truly love, not the girl that made my heart races for.

Dahyun: I know it's hard to accept. But feelings come with emotions, and those two cooperate and give your heart signals.

Y/n: I-I'm sorry.

Dahyun: No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you how I felt.

Y/n: You speak your heart out. It's better to let it out than holding it in.

I can see her expression, she's holding her tears for sure, she loves me even when she knew my heart belongs to another. To her best friend. I feel like I'm the biggest fuck and clearly, I am. I hugged her to make her feel better. And she let it all out on my shoulder. The time struck midnight and the fireworks came out.

Dahyun: Y-Y/n. Can I still be your friend?

Y/n: Of course! You will always be my friend.

Dahyun: Thank you.

She smiled, as always, as if everything never happened.

Y/n: The fireworks are already out, maybe we should go back to the girls. I think they're searching for us.

Dahyun: Alright.

We found the girls were arguing about something, but I can't seem to find Chaeyoung with them.

Jihyo: Dahyun, Y/n, have you seen Chaeyoung?

Dahyun: No we haven't, what happened?

Mina: I was with her playing some arcades when she felt a little cramped, I offer her help and that we should just go home. She rejected and said she needs time alone and searched for fresh air, I haven't seen her since.

Jihyo: She might be lost, this place is big and crowded at the same time.

Dahyun: Y/n, I think she saw us about to kiss. You need to find her before it's too late.

This was all my fault, what if someone kidnapped her? She's an idol with many fans not to mention sasaengs. She's in danger goddamnit! 

Y/n: You guys can go home without me I'll search for Chaeyoung, I promise she'll be okay.

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