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(Chaeyoung POV)

Y/n: You ready?

Chaeyoung: Yeah, let's go!

We exited our room and went straight for the elevator, we're going back to Seoul after three days of trip date, the elevator door opened at ground level. Y/n went to the front desk to check out while I wait in one of the sofas presents.


A message appeared.

An unknown number

???: I see that now you're leaving the area, do you like your trip? Why didn't you meet me yesterday, Chae? I waited for you for a long time, you didn't respond, and now you're leaving already?  Isn't that a bit rude?

Who is this person?

???: You're wondering who I am right? That's why I told you to meet me yesterday, so we can get to know each other. Are you going to meet me in Seoul? I know your friend is currently checking out. 

My senses kicked in, I looked around, searching for this mysterious person.

???: Now you're searching for me?

I'm now scared, this person knows where I am, what I'm doing. Chills ran through my bone.

???: Oops, looks like your friend's finished, I'll text you later. Bye Chaeyoung.

Y/n: Chaeyoung? Are you searching for someone?

Chaeyoung: A-ah, no, come on I don't wanna be here any longer.

I took his hand and rushed outside the lobby. Fortunately, the hotel has a taxi to take us straight to the airport.

Another message came in.

???: No goodbye for me?

Again I searched where would the sender came from. None.

Y/n: Shortcake, are you okay? Is there something wrong?

I am now terrified. I hugged Y/n tightly.

Y/n: Chaeyoung? Tell me what's wrong, it's okay.

He sounds comforting but for some reason, I won't tell him, I just shook my head. I'm too scared to tell him.

The whole way to the airport I hugged him, burying my face on his chest.

Y/n: We're here Chae, you can let go now

Chaeyoung: No.

Y/n: Hey, Chaeyoung.

He lifted my head and made it facing him.

Y/n: I don't know the reason why you're like this, but I'm here. Okay. Stay close to me and you will be fine. I'll change the flight into First Class so you won't be worried.

After quick thinking, I nodded.

(Y/n POV)

Something is definitely wrong, she's fine yesterday, why does she become like this all of a sudden? We went to an airport lounge specially for First Class passengers, Chaeyoung checked back and forth from her phone to the surrounding area, and then I saw a couple of tears run down her cheeks.

Y/n: Hey, Chae, are you crying? What's wrong? just tell me.

She hugged me again, she's trembling.

Chaeyoung: I-I'm scared.

She showed me her phone, a lot of messages was there.

I read them, I was shocked, a person is following her. It's not like normal sasaeng, this person knows everything, it's watching us. If a sasaeng usually followed their idols and tried to meet them, this person only watched from afar, it's completely threatening.

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