Last Goodbye

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(Y/n POV)

It's been two months since Chaeyoung and me dated, all seems good. Occasionally, we argued but never got into a full fight, we didn't spend much time together because of her busy schedule. I don't really care about Dispatch, neither do Chaeyoung, they can take every picture they want and it won't bother me. But because we rarely met, no rumours about us went out. About Jay? He knows everything about my relationship, with Chaeyoung and also TWICE, he even met them once. 

He took advantage of me being Chaeyoung's boyfriend, he would ask me when TWICE will have their next comeback, asked me if I can ask Chaeyoung or another member for a free album with their signs on it. Although I can, I wouldn't. The annoying Jay has turned into an irritating piece of meat.

He becomes a different person when he meets them, and they found him to be a funny guy instead of weird, how could they think he's funny? They'll eventually regret every single thing about being friends with him.

All things aside, he respects our privacy, he wouldn't spread false rumours or news about us.

Jay: Hey mate you're not going to work?

Y/n: Nah I'm on a break right now. What about you?

Jay: It's weekend mate, I'm not going to campus at the weekend.

Y/n: Today's weekend?!

Jay: You lost track of time are you?

Y/n: Damn! Time flies so fast!

(Ring) (Ring)

Y/n: Wait, lemme take this.

My Chae.

Chaeyoung: Hi Y/n!

Y/n: Hey.

Jay: Is that Chaeyoung? Hey Chae!

Y/n: Shut up mate!

Chaeyoung: Hi Jay! How are you?

Oh great. Here he comes.

Jay: I'm good!

Y/n: Mate shut up! 

Jay: What?

I moved away to the kitchen to avoid getting interrupted by Jay.

Y/n: Sorry about that Chae.

Chaeyoung: No no, it's okay. How are you today?

Y/n: I'm bored Chae. I don't know what to do.

Chaeyoung: Ahh my poor Y/n. Have you eaten yet?

Y/n: Yes I have. What are you doing right now?

Chaeyoung: I'm shooting for our next comeback.

Y/n: Ooh when will it be released?



Chaeyoung: How can he heard what I say?

Y/n: I told you he's weird, Chae, not funny.

Chaeyoung: Hehe, I like him.

Y/n: What?!?!

Chaeyoung: As a friend, as a friend. I like you more.

A little blush form on my cheeks.

Y/n: Don't over-work yourself, Chae, take a break.

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