When Hearts Collide Part 2

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(Chaeyoung POV)

I was writing my diary when I heard a motorbike outside our dorm, it must be them. I looked at my window and once again hurt by the scene, why do you have to hug her Y/n?

Dahyun: I'm back!

Jihyo: You bring anything for us?

Dahyun: Yep, chocolates.

Sana: Chocolates?! Give me!

Mina: You bought a lot.

Dahyun: Actually, Y/n bought it for me to share with you guys.

So Y/n bought her chocolates.

Dahyun: Where's Chae?

Tzuyu: She's writing her diary.

Dahyun: Chaeyoung, do you want chocolates?

Chaeyoung: Not right now unnie.

Dahyun: Okay, you can take it from the fridge if you want. You don't look so good, are you okay?

Chaeyoung: Yup, I'm fine thanks for worrying.

Dahyun: I'll be in the living room if you need me.

Am I okay? I don't know unnie, I'm jealous of you. You get to spend a day with Y/n, he even bought you your favourite food. I was his best friend and still are, but why does it have to be you who gets closer to him. Why not me? Is it because I lost my memories of him? Aghh stupid brain!

(Ring) (Ring)

I unplugged my phone from its charging cable, I don't feel like answering it, I'm upset at myself. I don't want a sudden call from my company, I want to be alone. Fortunately, it was Y/n who called, a smile formed.

Y/n: Hi Chae how are you?

Chaeyoung: Hi! I'm good, you?

Y/n: Me too. I just want to check on you, have you had dinner yet?

Chaeyoung: No I haven't, I was writing my diary.

Y/n: You should. The last time I knew you skipped dinner because of your diary ended with you sick on the next day.

Chaeyoung: Oh I remember that. But it's a hobby.

Y/n: Whatever your hobby is, if it makes you sick, leave it. 

Chaeyoung: Okay, I'll eat after I finished.

Y/n: I'm sorry for earlier today, it's a little bit awkward. I didn't think you'll be back from your house sooner.

Chaeyoung: It's okay, I wish I could stay longer at my house but my members told me to come because there were things to do.

Y/n: And... Do you have any spare time this week?

Chaeyoung: Yeah I'm free until the new year comes. Why?

Y/n: Umm I just want to ask you maybe you want to hangout? Like we used to, maybe to (park name) or even to the waterpark that we missed long ago.

Did he just ask me out? No, it's a hangout. I can get closer to him! I want to go to the waterpark with him, but I guess it's not possible in my current state. I just have to choose the park without water.

Chaeyoung: That'll be great!

Y/n: Sweet! I have work tomorrow, maybe the day after?

Chaeyoung: Fine for me.

Y/n: Alright, I'll see you then. Bye.

Chaeyoung: Goodbye!

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