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The birds are chirping, sunshine shining through the window, a nice day in winter. I woke up earlier than usual. I hope today everything works out, full restaurant, sane Jay and just anything I can imagine. I did my morning routine, and head downstairs to make breakfast for me and Jay, he's living with me for the entire scholarship programme. He said he doesn't want to rent a room alone, scaredy-cat. Still sleeping as usual for him at this hour, I decided to make a simple sandwich, I wanted to make a more complicated dish but I guess I'll save it for the restaurant.

A cosy kitchen filled with memories of the past and the subtle scent of happiness. Incredible. Just incredible.

Jay: Y/N!!!!

Y/n: Don't yell Jay, you'll ruin the mood! Why are you awake anyway?


Y/n: Bloody hell Jay. Chill.

Jay: I GOT IN Y/N!! I GOT IN!!

Y/n: Calm down. I don't understand.

He then proceeds to take a deep breath to calm himself down.

Jay: Okay. Okay. Hear me out. I was chosen as one of the people to be in TWICE's fansign.

Y/n: Oh.

Jay: Oh? That's it? They're the Nations Girl Group.

Y/n: So your thousand pounds worth it?

Jay: Hell yea It did!

Y/n: When will it be?

Jay: Today! Around 11 o'clock. Can you drop me off?

Y/n: I'm working at 9, will that be too early?

Jay: No it's fine, I'll go somewhere, a cafe?

Y/n: Alright then.

So now I'm taking Jay to where the fansign will take place. Surprisingly it's near my restaurant, I don't have to turn around, nice. I saw two black vans arriving, I suppose that's TWICE's? Well yeah, I saw nine girls come out of those vans. Nothing interesting. 

I dropped Jay where he wanted, which is in front of a store. He didn't go into it, weirdo. As I start to speed up my bike, I saw three girls walking towards the store, my brain keeps on telling me to look at them, so I did. When I rode past the girls one of them looked at me, and our eyes met. She wouldn't know though, because my visor has a fairly dark tint, dark enough to change the beautiful sunny day into a gloomy one.

(3 minutes earlier)

(Chaeyoung POV)

Chaeyoung: Hey look we've arrived.

Today is the first fansign for our newest comeback, Merry & Happy. It's a reissue of Twicetagram, which is our first full album. I can't wait to meet ONCEs again, they are fun, and I enjoy meeting them in person.

Tzuyu: Unnie do you want to go to the convenient store before preparing?

Chaeyoung: Can we?

Tzuyu: Yeah, just ask manager-nim.

MN: You can Chaeyoung, just don't take too long.

Chaeyoung: Ok, let's go.

Dahyun: Hey, I wanna go too, wait for me.

I noticed a lot of things in the way to the store, like how quiet the streets are, I have never been this cautious before. I even looked at some random motorcyclist going past us. It's kinda weird if you asked me why. I don't know.

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