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Having won a TV show doesn't guarantee you getting a job easily, it reflected on me, I haven't been able to find a restaurant that wants my skill and it's a week after I got here. Life is hard even when they know what you accomplish. I just hope I still have the money to eat for tomorrow.


I am currently at a coffee shop waiting for my name to be called, it's a nice day for a cup of coffee even though I'm a tea guy. Yes, I like tea more than coffee, I usually don't drink coffee but I'll let it slide today. Coffee always makes me have a stomach ache, the complete opposite of tea. Well, what can you say? Tea in a day keeps the doctors away!

I got my order after a couple of minutes, I ordered a frappuccino mocha. I went back to my seat which directly looks out of the window into the park. Such a nice day today. I've just come back from my interview with a restaurant this morning, so I'm still in my suit. The interview wasn't bad, it got me a little nervous because it's a famous restaurant but I went with it pretty well, time to wait for the result.

I decided to take a stroll through the park after I finished my frappuccino, it was filled with people from kids to the elderly. All with their own fun thing to do. A girl ran past me followed by a boy, looks like they're playing catch, a smile formed at the edge of my lips. This place really lifted my mood. I continue to walk around the park for a good minute and chose to sit down below a big tree. The wind blew gently in my face, making me sleepy, but then I saw the boy who went past me a while ago came.

Boy: Hyung, can you help me?

Y/n: What's wrong?

Boy: My sister and I are lost and she won't stop crying.

Y/n: Where is she?

The boy then led me to his sister, I can see her crying, she resembles Chaeyoung a lot. I don't want her to cry anymore. I kneeled down to her level.

Y/n: Hey what happened? Where're your parents?

She shook her head.

Girl: I-I don't know.

Y/n: Do you know where you came from?

She shook her head again.

Y/n: Do you want me to find them?

Girl: P-p-please, I'm scared.

I saw an ice cream stand, and I knew exactly what to do.

Y/n: What's your name sweetheart?

Girl: Yeri, Min Yeri.

Y/n: Yeri sweetheart, wait here with your brother ok? Take care of her yea little boy? I'll get you guys something.

Boy: Okay hyung.

I went to get the two kids a cone each, went back and sat with them. They didn't know any of their parent's contact, so I decided to stay with them, have a little chat to calm things down. It worked well, they started to open up. We share each other stories and laugh it off. The mother eventually comes, she was worried about losing their child. She thanked me and offered me to change the money I've used to buy them ice cream, of course, I reject it, it's a pleasure to see other people smile. The two kids waved at me and I waved back.


(Chaeyoung POV)

Jihyo: Girls, its movie night!

Sana: Woo!

Tzuyu: Yeay!

Mina: Wee!

Nayeon: Finally!

Dahyun: Wohoo!

Momo: Waa!

Jeongyeon: Yahoo!

Chaeyoung: Yess! But what are we watching?

Jihyo: What do you guys want?

Jeongyeon: Horror!

Nayeon: No! Never! 

Jeongyeon: Ahh you're a wuss.

Nayeon: I don't care, I'm a baby anyway.

Sana: Yes, She's my baby~

Nayeon: Aah~

And they start exchanging aegyo to each other.  Ahh, these unnies.

Chaeyoung: What about romance?

Tzuyu: But you're too smol for romance unnie.

Chaeyoung: Yah! Say that again I dare you!

Tzuyu: You are S-M-O-L unnie.

Chaeyoung: YAH!

Jihyo: Cut it out you two. I've decided that we're gonna watch a romance.

Dahyun: You have someone in mind, do you Chae?

Nayeon: Ooo, our baby is growing up~

Chaeyoung: No! No, I don't I swear!

I blushed, the girls saw it and laughed. I seriously don't have anyone in mind, but I'm blushing. Ugh, Chae!



The movie finishes right at midnight, it was awesome! But it had a sad ending, we were basically in tears. Nayeon unnie cried the most, looks like she'll be rewatching the movie again and again and again. She did that with most of her favourites. A love story doesn't always end a happy ending like we wanted, because nothing last forever. I just hope mine will be a happy one, it will become my worst nightmare if I ended up having a sad ending in my love life. Nobody wants that.

(Y/n POV)


Woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing, who the hell is calling me in this early hour? I took my phone from the top drawer, checked the caller's ID, and guess what? It's goddamn Jay Curtis.

Y/n: Why are you calling me at this hour? It's too early.

Jay: What do you mean early? It's 7 pm.

Y/n: In England, yeah, but not here.

Jay: Oh yea I forgot.

Y/n: Okay, what is it?

Jay: BTS just comeback with Steve Aoki! It's called Mic-Drop!


Jay: Mate chill out.

Y/n: You ruined my sleep you retard!

Jay: Well I'm sorry then, I'll hang up.

What is he thinking?


Y/n: What now Jay!

???: Mr L/n?

Y/n: Oh I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

???: Anyways, sorry to call you so early Mr. L/n. I am the head manager of (Favorite Restaurant), and I, along with the people on the board agreed to have your service in our restaurant.

Y/n: Are you kidding?!

HM: Absolutely not. We've decided to put you in the role of 'sous chef'. You can start tomorrow at 9 am.

Y/n: Thank you so much! And yes I'll be ready tomorrow at 9.

HM: Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then.

I can't believe it! I'll be a chef at one of the famous restaurants in Seoul! I will finally get an income, after a week of nothing. 

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