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The weather is really cold tonight, I wouldn't think that there will be snowfall, probably below 15 degrees but higher than 1, I saw my house's light is still on. Jay is back. I went inside and saw a big Christmas tree, did Jay bought this?

Y/n: Why is there a big tree inside my house Jay?

Jay: Well Christmas of course!

Y/n: Isn't it too early?

Jay: Nothing's too early for Christmas tree.

Y/n: Whatever you say, Jay. I'm going to sleep.

Jay: Where's your jacket?

Y/n: My friend borrowed it, now shut it I'm tired.

I went to my room closed the door behind, I was so tired I didn't even change my clothes at all and just flop onto the bed before passing out.

(Jay POV)

A notification from my phone went off, I checked it, and it was a surprise Vlive from TWICE. It didn't take much time for me to click the notifs, and it sent me right to their Vlive. It was the School Meal Club, I quickly sit on the sofa, turn on the TV, and cast my phone to it. Yes, I'm a simp, deal with it.

The V was as expected, fun and entertaining to watch, just like every V they've done. They shared a lot of TMI, such as going to a restaurant after their fansign, showing gifts Mina gave them, and many more. Throughout the V, other members joined in, Nayeon and Mina, but only Mina showed up. Nayeon said she's using a face mask, so she can't show her face to the camera. They then played the word game where you need to say a word after the syllable of another word from another member, do you get it? Yep, you got it.

It was fun, their laugh made me laugh, even when I don't know what they're saying. It's the number one rule. Mina sat beside Chaeyoung, as always, they exchange glances and laugh like they used to be. The ship's sailing guys! ALL RISE MICHAENG SHIPPERS!!

As the Vlive came to a close, I realised something odd. The jacket that Dahyun was wearing, it's like I've seen it somewhere. Someone actually asked this at the beginning, but it's in English so maybe they didn't see it. Ah, I know, it's similar to the jacket Y/n wore every time he rides his bike. Wait, it's identical. Is it really Y/n jacket? I don't think so, to good to be true.

The next day, I woke up earlier than Y/n, very unusual, never in my life have I woke earlier than him. So, I decided to make a coffee. Because Y/n doesn't like coffee, all of the coffee that is currently under this roof is mine. I heard Y/n's door opens.

Y/n: Jay? You're up already?

Jay: Suprised? Me too.

Y/n: Can I ask you a question?

Jay: Sure, go ahead mate.

Y/n: What do you think of love?

I was sipping my coffee when he asked that. Shocked, I gushed my coffee onto the table.

Jay: Did you just asked me that? You have a girlfriend and I didn't know?

Y/n: No, I don't have a girlfriend Jay.

Jay: Well it depends, some people say love is to sacrifice, others say when your heart is drawn onto something you can't deny. For me, it's all about perception. But one thing I know for sure, love will never disappear, it will only be replaced by a stronger one. So there's a possibility, someone who lost their memories, regain them by the power of love. It's complicated.

Y/n: Wow Jay. That's one hell of an explanation.

Jay: What? You asked me.

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