Boring Chap -Jay

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???: HA! You thought this will be the chapter where you find out the truth. But NO! You have to wait for that! HEY, Y/N COME HERE!

Y/n: What?

???: Look!

Y/n: What?

???: Look over there you twat!

Y/n: Ohh, Hi people! Are you enjoying the story so far? I hope you do.

???: Wait a minute, why is my name a bunch of question marks? But not yours? 

Y/n: You can see your name?

???: Yeah, it's on your left.

Y/n: Ahh! My name is Y/n? What's with the 'Y' slash 'n'?

???: DUHH!! So people can put their own name or whatever they want.

Y/n: Why is your name question marks Jay?

???: That's what I asked. HEY AUTHOR!! PUT MY NAME YOU TWAT!!!

Y/n: He can't hear you Jay.


Y/n: Maybe you should ask him nicely.

???: Alright. Mr Author-nim can you please put my name? Please~

Y/n: There, now you got it.

Jay: God I hate doing that. Screw you Author!

Y/n: You wanna know something ridiculous Jay?

Jay: Yeah, what?

Y/n: The author is actually talking to himself. Like what we just did, and also now.

Jay: Owh yeah, you're right. It's like something out of the Matrix.

Y/n: Anyway, how did you find this place?

Jay: I don't know, I was searching for a spare part for your broken bike inside a closet.

Y/n: What is this, Narnia shit?!

Jay: Don't ask me. How did YOU get here?

Y/n: You were calling me from your room, so I came.

Jay: This world's fucked up.

Y/n: Readers, you wanna see my baby? Here.

Y/n: Readers, you wanna see my baby? Here

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Jay: I thought your babe is *BEEP*

Y/n: What the fuck Jay!! You just spoiled the story!!!

Jay: Relax man, Author-nim censored it. They knew anyway. Right readers *wink* 

Jay: Did I just winked?

Y/n: Yup.

Jay: Fucking Author.

Y/n: So the baby you see up there is the one I used in this story. I called her Betty, sexy ain't it? That's also one of the Author's favourites. But Jay, HAS to ruin it.

Jay: I'm sorry, It wasn't on purpose.

Y/n: Jay, Who do you think I'll end up with?

Jay: Isn't that a spoiler?

Y/n: Technically yes, but no.

Jay: Umm... I think you'll end up with *BEEP*

Y/n: Why do you think that she's the one?

Jay: I dunno. I have this feeling.

Y/n: But anything can happen right? I can be with *BEEP* if Author-nim wants.

Jay: Yeah.

Y/n: Are we just going to chat around?

Jay: Yea Author, the readers are bored because of you. They don't want this kind of chapter, they want real ones.

Y/n: Let's just go. Bye readers! 

Jay: Wait, let me change the title.

Y/n: Why?

Jay: Cause this chapter is boring.

Y/n: Do you have to put your name also?

Jay: Hey, at least they know who wrote it. I might also publish it right now.

Y/n: You said it's boring.

Jay: He's going to upload it anyway. Author-nim is weird you know.

Y/n: Why don't you put a picture on top of the title?

Jay: Oh right.

Y/n: Why a bird?

Jay: Cause it's me.

Y/n: Isn't that Mordecai?

Jay: Are you going to ask me all the questions you have? Or are we going out of this place?

Y/n: Hehehe, sorry. Let's go.

Jay: Goodbye readers! Love ya!

Y/n: Bye-bye! Don't mind Author-nim. See ya! Sorry for wasting your time. *Bows*

Jay & Y/n left the lobby.

Did he just wrote that?!

Leave it Jay.

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