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(Short Chapter)

Today is the day, our restaurant was invited by the Michelin guide, to attend their ceremonial award, of course, I'm excited! I wonder if the restaurant I'm working in will finally get its first star, that's why I woke up very early. I need to prepare my best, from top to bottom.

Y/n: Jay, do I look good?

Jay: Where are you going? It's too early.

Y/n: I'll be receiving my Michelin star today.

Jay: How are you so sure? You're not the head chef.

Y/n: I'm part of that kitchen Jay, we work as a team.

Jay: Well you look good in those.

Y/n: Oh thank you!

(Ring) (Ring)

Who's calling me this early? The caller's id shows.

My Chae.

Chae: Good morning Y/n~~

Y/n: Morning Chae. Why are you up already?

Chae: It's our last day in Japan. We finished the CF yesterday and we're going back today.

Y/n: Did you have fun?

Chae: Yup! I miss you~

I can see her pouting in my head.

Y/n: I miss you too Chae. I saw your V yesterday, your cute in that jacket.

Chae: Thank you but you're cuter.

It made me blush.

Y/n: Be careful okay. I don't want you to get hurt, watch your step, the ice is slippery.

Chae: Hehe, I know ice is slippery Y/n, don't worry.

Y/n: I just want to make sure. I care about you.

Chae: I know you do. Ah, I have to go, Jihyo unnie's calling me. Bye Y/n~ 

Y/n: Bye Chae.

Ahh, She'll be back.



The time is currently 10:00 AM, I took my thick ass jacket because snows are falling like crazy, non-stop for a couple of days, the roads were filled with it. There's no choice I have to use the bus, Betty cannot run in the current state of the road, it'll slide and crash. I don't want Chae to come back and meet me in a hospital bed.

Bus it is then. It was slow, as expected, even buses can lose control. The scenery, however, was gorgeous. I arrived about half an hour later, the ceremony starts at noon so I have plenty of time to organize myself or chat with my fellow chefs.

The ceremony starts, the MC opened it introducing every restaurant that is invited and its representatives. Time passes by, the Michelin Guide books were introduced, explained by the delegation of Michelin itself, in this case, the CEO. Michelin Guide books are mainly guides for restaurants that are worth to visit at least once in your life, but there are other things hotels and other places to visit.

Finally, the peak of the ceremony came, new restaurants were given stars for the first time including ours, and others gain new stars. I am not part of the photoshoot they took because I'm not the head chef, but happiness came anyway. After all, I'm part of the kitchen that took the restaurant to its current form.

 After all, I'm part of the kitchen that took the restaurant to its current form

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I almost reached every dream I have.

I am at my peak.

Am I the happiest man alive?


I am.

Nothing can go wrong.








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