Going back

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(2 Years Later)

Its graduation day. The school is filled with celebrations from both friends and families, I wasn't the best student in my school, but people know me, probably because I am the youngest Masterchef to ever grace this country. Excluding Masterchef junior of course. I was actually the student councils president, add that to the Masterchef title and I become the most popular guy.

???: Yo Y/n!

Y/n: Hey! Jay!

Jay: Can't believe I survived high school. I was nervous I wouldn't graduate.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Jay: Yea yea yea, you're the councils' president, whatever.

Y/n: Hehe, relax dude.

Jay: Dude you know TWICE has just released their newest song!

Jay, my best friend, he's a huge kpop fan. I don't know how I get to be friends with him in the first place, he's this dork person that's always there for you. He might not be smart at school subjects, but he understands feelings and emotions like no other. He's the only person I can trust.

Y/n: Oh what now jay? It was BTS then Cosmic Girls and now TWICE?

I didn't hate kpop or anything, it's just not my thing, even though I'm Korean. I've lived in England for seven years and counting so my preferences are different. I don't know, maybe someday I eventually like kpop?

Jay: Man.. you have a weird taste in music.

Y/n: What does that have to do with my taste of music?

Jay: But seriously dude, you have to check it out.

Y/n: Yea, like I didn't listen to every kpop songs you recommend.

???: Umm.. hi Y/n.

Jay: Ooo, oh look Leo is calling me, I'll give you two some privacy.

He winked, I will kill this guy. I flipped him off as he ran laughing.

Y/n: Oh, hey Chelsea, what's up?

Chelsea: Umm... I'm leaving for Germany next month.

Y/n: Ok? And?

Chelsea: Umm.. I like you Y/n, I have a crush on you since the beginning of freshmen year.

She has a crush on me since freshmen year?! What?! She's smart, cute, beautiful, she's perfect overall. But I just cannot bring myself to like her back. Should I reject her? She'll be sad though. I don't know what to do.

Y/n: Chelsea I-I'm sorry bu-

Chelsea: It's okay, I know you didn't like me back. I just wanna clear everything out.

Y/n: I'm really sorry.

Chelsea: And.. don't be mad okay?

As soon as she said that a gentle peck landed on my right cheek. I was shocked. Did she just kissed me? Was that considered a kiss? If it is, then that's my first ever kiss from a girl. After that she ran away while covering her face. I didn't even see Jay standing in front of me, I'm still in shock.


Y/n: Ah, whassup.

Jay: What happened to you? Seen a ghost or something? Where'd Chelsea go? What'd she say?

Y/n: Slow man, too many questions.

Jay: Sorry, anyways lets get outta here. I'm getting claustrophobic.

Y/n: Right.


We're currently at my house, me and Jay, I'm in my kitchen making dinner while Jay, he's a Netflix nerd. This is my actual house, I moved a year ago with the prize money I got from Masterchef. My parents wouldn't allow me to work while I'm at school so my current balance is at a stall, I need to get a job ASAP.

Jay: Y/n! Is the meal ready yet!

Y/n: Coming right up!

I went to the living room carrying two plates of risotto.

Jay: Ooo, what's that?

Y/n: Risotto.

Jay: Hmm, that's good.

Y/n: Of course, I made it.

Jay: Ya ya Mr. MASTERCHEF.

Y/n: Hehee.

We're watching a series called "The End Of The F***king World" a weird name but yeah, Jay chooses this and I can't deny that it's pretty good. The episode ends and I kinda want more, but Jay turned the TV off.

Y/n: Dudeee!

Jay: Okay so, what're you gonna do after this?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Jay: Y/n, you've achieved one of your dreams right?

Y/n: one out of four, yes.

Jay: Four? you said three back then.

Y/n: Well I added one more.

Jay: Masterchef, World-known chef, Michelin star both you and your restaurant, and...

Y/n: And her.

Jay: Her? who?

Y/n: My long lost best friend.

Jay: Ahh, okay.

I didn't really want to tell him though, that's the only thing I'm keeping secret from him. I don't know. I don't want people to know what I'm going through for these past years, not even my closest friends. Their smile is enough for me to forget about her, for just a second.

Then my phone rang. I checked the callers' ID, mom.

Y/n: Yes mom?

I heard her sobbing over the phone.

Y/n: Mom? What happened

Mom: Your dad's hospitalized

Y/n: What? I'll be there mom.

I closed my phone.

Jay: what's up?

Y/n: Can't explain. Text you later

I rushed outside, taking my coat, bike keys, and helmet. I got into my bike and sped through the rain to the hospital. My dad's health have been pretty bad lately, taking different medications. But I didn't expect him to be hospitalized.

I arrived at the hospital a couple of minutes later. I went to the reception to ask where my dad is staying.

Y/n: Can you show me where patient D/n L/n is?

Receptionist: Wait a second. And you are?

Y/n: Y/n L/n, his child.

Receptionist: He's in room D3005, to the right.

Y/n: Thank you.

I walked as fast as I can, when I found the right room, I went inside and saw my mom sleeping beside my dad's bed. I decided to wake her up and ask her to rest back home. She agreed, so now I'm in charge waiting for my dad.

(The next day)

The doctor told me that my dad have stroke so he needs to stay here for at least a month. 

Dad: Y/n, have you got any job yet?

Y/n: No, I haven't . Why?

Dad: I want you to go back to Korea.

Y/n: But dad I can't leave you here.

Dad: Don't worry about your old man. Your mom's here with me. I want to see you achieve the success you so desire.

If that's what my dad wants, then I'll do it.

I'm going back to Korea.

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