Chapter 14

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Jungkook's birthday was getting closer and closer and so is Teahyung's body capacity of rejecting his drugs.

Taehyung is sitting on one side of the cafeteria on a round table with his friends Jimin, Bogum, and Heejin invited by Bogum to join.

Jimin is discussing with Heejin while Bogum is talking to Tae with one arm around his shoulder.

I am using "talking to" because while Bogum is trying to praise himself Tae is concentrated in Lisanna.

She is at Jungkook tables. Their two-arm are crossed like a cute lovely couple.

Taehyung has been staring at them since the moment she positioned their arms.

But what upset him is the fact that Kookie didn't move a muscle to change that living Lisanna all drown on him. Arg.

Meanwhile, at Jungkook's table which is located in front of Tae's.

Jungkook is lost in his mind. He has been thinking of all that his detective reported him.

And that fucking hurt like crazy. He is so in pain right now, we don't know how he still managed to come to school today.

He just discovered that the "love of his" is a lier while he didn't hide anything from Tae. He feels lost, hurt, and betray.

I need answers. It is the last thing Kookie thought of before running after Taehyung.

Taehyung tired of observing them like that decided to leave the cafeteria.

-We need to talk. The Alpha coldly ordered.

Why is he angry? I should be the one upset not him. Taehyung thought frowning.

-What? We are in the middle of the cafeteria and everybody is watching us. Tae reply discarding his arm from Jungkook's grips.

-I don't care, I need to have a conversation with you.

-What? Lisanna is not a good talker.

Tae immediately bit his lips after letting out that sentence, totally embarrassed of how jealous he sounded.

-I'm not in the mood right– Jungkook unable to complete his sentence because of Tae's alarms which just cry.

-Jungkook we will talk later I'm going to be late.

-Can't you just miss it?

-No, I can not.

He then leaves the cafeteria with Jiminie following behind trying to catch him up.

Jungkook went home angrier than before.


Jungkook is in his room playing video games with Jin and Yoongi. With Jin winning follow by Yoongi and Jungkook is last.

-So, is there something between you and Taehyung? Cause your little show yesterday was kind of odd. Yoongi asked eyes not leaving the screen.

The-future-20-years-old-prince sigh. He really needs to speak to someone. I mean Jin is already aware why not Yoongi? He can trust me, right?

-It just a question. If you don't want to talk it is ok–

-I am dating Taehyung.

-Oh. Well, not too shocking. I thought you were sex buddies. Jin knows right?

-Of course, I do. Jin responded flipping his invisible hair gaining an eye roll.

-I just discovered that he is hiding things to me. I tried to have a conversation with him but he is ignoring me and making a stupid jealous scene.

-The way of having a conversation with him you used yesterday is not the best. Jin groan him.

-Arg! I know, I was just out of me.

-Maybe what he is hiding is really hard to confess and he is not ready. The man-cat suggest.

-I am telling him everything why can't he do the same?

-You are not the same as him. He may need more time to open up.

-Why are you talking to me like that?

-I just want you to see from his viewpoint.

Jungkook just nods at Yoongi, head down and thoughtful.

-Don't make that face, we are here to have fun before your big day. Jin tries to cheer. To change the mood let's open some gifts!!

Jungkook's room is full of untouched gift for his birthday. Without waiting for Kookie's authorization he runs towards one gift.

Meanwhile, at the same moment in Tae's house, Taehyung is getting for his dinner with Jimin.

They going to eat in a well-known restaurant call "god's Menu". To celebrate the fact that they finally reached the amount required for them to buy their soon to be design office.

Tae is in front of his mirror fixing his hair a little bit and doing last checked up. He when with his mom to get them cut before she flies with his dad to Thailand.

A sudden feeling of vomiting pops up but didn't last for long so our bear just brushes it off. Deciding that he will just drink water before leaving.

But, before he can leave the bathroom, the same feeling came back this time more vigorously.

Taehyung rushed to the toilet vomiting inside, he spends hours throwing up he was feeling dizzy, his head and stomach hurt him but he was more occupied in throwing his food up.

After sometimes the vomiting stops and Tae sat in the floor head dizzy. He took minutes to calm himself down and try to gain some energy.

He gathered some strength to stand up using the wall to support himself.

-Ugh, it hurt so bad. I did not eat some weird thing, did I?

He then went to flushed the toilet but what he sees terrified him. He rapidly uses his hands to cover his mouth to stop himself from screaming.

Black fluids mix with some red liquid easily guessed as blood. That is what he saw.

-What is that?!!

He barely had time to ask himself this question when his body began to burn.


He falls on the ground of the bathroom all roll up screaming and shouting.

-Make it stop-p. Aahhh!!! It burns it hurt. Help!!!!!!! Aaaahhhh!!!! P-please please PLEASE!!!!

He continues like that for hours emerging in a wave of pain. Body shivering and boiling, head and stomach aching.

He luckily saw his heat suppressants on the sink but it is so far. But he can't continue to suffer like that.

With his last strength and the help of adrenaline, he reached his drugs and takes one but it does work. He then took two more but nothing.

-AAAaaaahhhhh!!! Tae shouted carried by a sudden headache.

Out of distresses, he swallowed the entire contents of the small container.

Mistakes. Tae headache increases and his dizziness too. He collapsed and convulsed on the floor.


More tears falling down his face, our Tae is holding his head trying to stop the headache but it did not work.

Please Jimin don't be late today, Tae needs you.

In a last scream, Taehyung fall in a deep sleep or in other words, passes out.

secrets are going to be revealed. Finally!!!

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