Chapter 28

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Author's POV

The kingdom is trembling, everybody in the palace was busy moving here and there, something outside the castle. The news about the kidnapping of the future luna's mother and the murder of his father was leaked by an anonymous person. It was all over the Internet, newspapers, and TV shows.

The royal family hires the National Intelligence Services also known as NIS and the FBI to take care of this affair but every police station and detective also work on it because mainly for the fame and money behind it.

How are you Taehyung? Are you okay? How do you feel? That was the kind of stupid question Taehyung was earshot with. How do you want him to feel? Dammit, his father was assassinated and his mother has been kidnapped by her all abusers! So Taehyung just smile at them and ignored their questions.

A month has passed since the missing of his mother and not a single piece of evidence has been discovered since then.

Jungkook feels so useless and powerless, he is seeing his mate fading every day but he can not do anything. At the burial of Mr. Kim, Taehyung did not shade a tear, it shows how emotionally distressed he is.

Taehyung is at the balcony of their room lost is thought and empty like an old house that was once inhabited. Every sound was like an echo, talking to him saw like talking to a wall.

He doesn't know how to save his mother, his father was murdered all because of him. If... He was not Jungkook's mate they will have not to find him, at least that is what he thinks.

-Baby... Jungkook called out but no response. Bae... Talking to me. Jungkook reached out to take his mate's hand but it was immediately removed from the table.

-What can I say?


-Look, I'm sorry but I don't want to talk right now.

-I'm here for you just–

-Stop it Taehyung looks at him with empty eyes. I'm having a headache. I'm going to sleep please leave me alone. Jungkook felt a sharp pain after the pronunciation of those words.

Taehyung gets up from his seat and cross passes Jungkook, he lay on the bed and covers his entire body with the blanket.

Jungkook watches his every move with sadness, his eyes are filled with sadness and pains. He knows he shouldn't take it into heart and that Taehyung is sadder than him and psychologically tired. He swallowed Tae's words, place a soft kiss on his head, and exist the room.


-Have you find something? Jungkook asks any workers but no one dared to answer him.

Kookie sits on a chair and takes Taehyung phone and tried to call the kidnappers for the nth time but still nothing. He was going to give up when he received a notification.

"I will call on the phone in 5 minutes. I only want to talk to my nephew. "

The hackers who connected the phone to their machines also received the message and all look at Kookie.

Kookie was looking at the phone not sure what to do. He then sighs and decides to do as they want but one of the hackers stops him and took the phone and puts it inside a box.

-I'm sorry your highness but I think I have an idea to apprehend them.


-We will need the help of future luna. I will explain to both of you at the same time there is no time.

Kookie accepts and they hurry to where Taehyung was sleeping. Kookie wakes up his mate and tells him about the message, Taehyung hustle to reach the phone to talk to them. He will ask how is his mother if she is fine and healthy, and many more questions. Kookie restrict him and ask him to listen to them.

The cyberpunk explained his plan to know their localization and to liberate Taehyung's mother. The hick was that Taehyung will be in danger too leading to a big NO for Jungkook.

What if it turns wrong? What if Taehyung die? Gosh no! Taehyung was ready to do it but Kookie refuses not putting his mate's life at risk. So they argue and argue but it was too late to make a decision, time is out.

The phone glows from the insulating box and the hacker gave it to Taehyung.

" Hello! Nephew.

-How is my mother...

-No greetings? That is bad. Tae's mom's loud sobbing was heard in the background.

-Hello!!! How are you?! Please don't hurt her!

-Yeah, better. She has already lost so much blood anyway.

-I hate you!!!!!

-I love you too but that is not what matters. Is it? no. I will turn to a video call and you are going to film the room in 360-degree. YOU SHOULD BE alone in that room!

-Give me some time to–

-You have ten seconds."

The man stars the down count and Jungkook and the hacker leaves the room. Jungkook runs to the office where he can follow the discussion but when there, they said they are unable to listen to the call again like there is some interference and when they force to enter, they are attacked by viruses.

The man is good.

Jungkook curses tired of all these things. The hacker comes with a baby phone and from there they can listen to call. The old method is always the best quoting Jungkook's grandparents. Eww.

Essentially, the kidnappers asked Taehyung to meet him at night around 2 am without telling anyone or his mother is dead. If Taehyung refuses, his mother is dead, if someone follows him, his mother is dead, if Taehyung tells someone his mother is dead.

Taehyung try to make the guy mad by playing with his mind as the plan says. When Jungkook realized what Taehyung was doing he became mad at Tae for going against him. The kidnappers mistreat Tae's mother every time Taehyung was responding badly to him. After some time Taehyung stops responding, the guy yelled and the call ends.

Are we fully going with that strategy?

I'm so sorry like I said I am in the middle of my exams but I will still update. Please don't forget us.

Annnndddddd we are getting a special Christmas chapter it will be my gift to thank you for reading my book.

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