Chapter: Christmas

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Author POV

Songs of praise for Jesus Christ are sung everywhere in town, everyone is celebrating the birth of the savior with joys and happiness on this cold night of 24 December.

Two best friends were there too among those celebrating and feasting. They were saying "Merry Christmas and may God bless you" and if it was told to them they will answer with a euphoric "Amen."

Cheong and Heejin are heading to the amusement park, they plan on having a girl night this Christmas Eve. Cheong planned it for days now wanting to remove all traces of Jungkook in her friend's mind at least for a night.

-Cheong I'm tired, just pick anything to do and let us do it! Heejin was getting pissed.

It's has been an hour that they are sitting in the same position her popcorn and cotton candy long gone.

-Sorry. I lost the schedule for the night. Cheong confesses head down.

-hahahahahah. Hee laughed. Cheong dear, what about we simply do the Ferris wheel? Cheong shying nods. Okay but first we need to pay for another pack of popcorn.

They smile and walk to the same woman who sold them the popcorn and cotton candy. After buying two popcorn one for each, they went to the queue for the wheel.

-Faster, faster, faster. Heejin murmured impatiently.

-Calme down Hee, look we are next. Cheong tried to comfort her friend amused by her friend's childish behavior finding her so cute.

The reason Cheong had planned this night so well is that tonight she planned to confess her feelings for her. Gosh just by thinking of that Cheong gets more nervous than she is already.

She placed her two hands on her chest trying to calm down her heartbeat. What a romantic confession, us together in the Ferris wheel when we are at the highest point with all the view gifted to us. Just perfect.

-Tickets, please. Hee hangs them to the worker. Merry Christmas and have a good time.

Since they took the last place and the Ferris wheel was getting ready for departure. Cheong and Heejin enjoy their view of the town, none of them has spoken since the wheel started its work. When they reached the highest point Cheong gathered her strength and confesses.

-I found my mate. Heejin unexpectedly let out. Cheong's eyes grew bigger and her mouth remained wide open. I meet him at Jungkook's birthday just after our talk. Hee explained eyes still fix on the landscape.

Cheong harshly chewed her lips and bowed her head stunned by Heejin's confession. Tears gradually create themselves around her eyes and no matter how much she attempts to prevent them from falling they still run their course down her cheeks.

-H-how do you know he is your matte? Cheong asked with a broken voice realizing that her friend is not 20 yet.

-He told me. Hee responded.

-Y-you can't just believe him like-

-I know we talk and we decide that I am going to wait until I turn 20 to be sure but... Heejin turns to her friend eyes full of tears and a sad smile on her face. I can feel it too, I can not explain how and why but... But just to be with him... I feel so happy when I'm with him it is like I know him for a long time even though we knew each other just for a little period.

-Con... Uhm... I'm hap... Cheong tried to be happy for her friend and congrats her but she can not. You... You knew...

-Yes, I wanted to tell you before you confess... He... He is mixed, his father is Korean, and his mother Indian. He is Christian and has faith in God what I always wanted. Cheong... I'm sorry...

-Why didn't you tell me.

-I wanted to but you send me a message and inside you were telling me you love me... I read it before you delete it and since then I never knew how to tell you.

Heejin took her friend's hands but she removed them from her's. The Ferris wheel stops and it was their turn to get out. Cheong rapidly leaves, broken, sad, humiliate, and embarrassed.

She never thought it will turn like this, she never thought Heejin will already have a mate. She thought of a possible "no" but not like that not in this way,  it hurt so bad... She runs as fast as she could far away from Heejin far away from this deception.

Heejin watched as her friend is gradually leaving her behind and wipes her tears and prays not to have lost her best friend.

Two friends who were always together are now torn apart.


-Ahhhhhh you brat!!!!! Jimin scream heartedly.

Jimin plans to spend the night of Eve with his fiance but Yoongi is still at work. "It will not take long, it just this song that needs to be revised before Christmas." Jimin what his boyfriend! Jimin knows that he is being egoistic but is it bad to want to spend Christmas Eve with his boyfriend.

Yoongi has become a workaholic since they graduated from the University. He understands Yoongi's industry is still young and needs time and effort to develop but... Jimin missed his boyfriend. Can you imagine that it makes 2 whole months since Jimin got laid?

-Merry Christmas Jiminie. Jiminie self-whish glaring at the clock realizing that it is midnight.

He finished his cup of wine, remove all the food he prepared for their romantic dinner, undoes the well-arranged table and picked up all the petals of red roses disposed on the floor, and blows the candles. Leaving the room to be illuminated by the light from the moon.

Just when Jimin was going to bed the door unlocked and opened widely revealing Yoongi.

-Bab- Jimin didn't let him finish and went to sleep feeling sleepy.

Yoongi sigh and turns on the light to illuminate the darkroom. He notices a few things, the rest of the roses on the floor, the open and half bottle of his favorite wine on the table, plates of food, and Jimin's empty winecup. He mentally curses himself, turns off the light, and locks the door.

Lending on the door frame he watched Jimin sleeping. Thinking how he messed up.

-Are you sleeping? Yoongi asked.

-Yes. Jimin replies.

-I'm sorry baby. Yoongi reaches the bed and squats down caressing Jimin's hair.


-I know I messed up but I promise I will spend the whole day tomorrow with you and I will cook and take you out. I missed you so badly. I know I ruined our night and so sorry.

Jimin turns to him and looks at him in the eyes. Debating on whether to let it go so easily.

-You said you are going to cook? Jimin asked and Yoongi gulped but still nods. And take me out? Yoongi nods again. Okay, I have another condition.


-Make love to me.

-With pleasure.

They kissed passionately, eating, devouring, claiming each other lips, body, and heart all night long.



Lol, why is this Christmas chapter so sad.

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