Chapter 20

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The crowd became quiet when they saw the king and the queen along with Jungkook mounting on the podium where the queen do few taps on the mic so as to attract attention.

-We gladly thank you for coming here tonight to celebrate our dear Jungkook's 20th birthday. She stops and the crowd starts clapping. Let all start the down count together! She cheers.

3! 2! 1! Happy Birthday prince Jungkook! Everybody cheers and clap.

Jungkook smile and thanks them. But then he smells something, it is arousing, it is breathtaking, it is his mate odor.

He looks around and smiles when his eyes meet Tae's one.

So that is how he smells. Fucking arousing. Kookie thought of. He can not remove his eyes from Taehyung.

Taeghyng's scent is a mixture of the flower of vanilla and white chocolate.

He was so focused on Tae that he didn't notice he is actually moving toward him.

Meanwhile, In Tae's head, everything is scared. He had smell Kookie before but his scent is not the same as now. No, it has changed, it is stronger and more manly.

At first, he smells like a muffin with lemon but now plus the lemon muffins, the dark black coffee grains scent has added.

This is my Kookie scent when he is fully mature? That's so sexy.

Don't get it wrong every wolves ware are capable of detecting scent but is it not as strong as how a mate can detect Its other half' scents.

A beta produces no scent that is how we can say if a wolf is a beta.

All alphas produces a strong dominant odor but to know who's odor it is, there is a different aroma added to it.
Everybody knows that Jk is an alpha because of that strong dominant odor but to distinguish between other alphas the lemon aroma is added to it.

All omega produces a sweet and lovely odor. But something is added to it. For Tae it is vanilla.

Only Jk knows that Tae also smells like white chocolate and only Tae knows that Kookie also smells like dark black coffee.

-You smell deliciously good... Uhm... Gosh, I want to eat you right now. Jungkook confesses hugging Taehyung and burying his face on his neck. I can't get enough of that.

Tae blushes and hugs him back.

-You too, but you smell different.

-Really? In how.

-Your scent is more dominant and strong. Tae notify while blushing.

Jungkook smile but still doesn't let go Tae not that our bear is complaining.

Get a room! someone from the crowd shout

-I will love too but, the queen is old fashioned. Jungkook announces finally leaving his mate neck but still hugs him from behind.

The crowd laughs and agrees with him.

-It is not being old-fashioned it is being responsible. She defend herself. Anyways, some of you have already been introduced to Jungkook mate but others not. I will like to invite them for a general introduction.

Jungkook holds his mate hand and accompanies him to the podium. He scents that his mate is nervous so he mumbles to him an everything will be alright, I'm here with you and give the mic the Taehyung.

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