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The feeling of a jolt was the first thing she had felt when she woke up in the box

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The feeling of a jolt was the first thing she had felt when she woke up in the box . She didn't understand how she got there .




She wanted to shout and cry due to fear she was feeling . A few tears escaped her mind but she wiped them and looked up wondering when this lift will stop and she will get closer to her doom .

The box stopped and she looked for any sign to escape . She began to panic when she heard a screeching noise and a bright light which forced her to shut her eyes .

The gladers standing above her were shocked . They have never sent a girl .

Newt looked down in the box and noticed the platinum blonde " A Girl "

" Actually No , I'm not a girl . Am a unicorn " she replied sarcastically

Some of the boys chuckled " So we have another sassy shuck face " one of the boys asked chuckling " Minho might have found himself a new bestfriend with whom he can have sass fights " . They laughed some more at that .

Girl's face showed confusion. She had no idea who " sassy Minho " is .

Another boy with weird eyebrows sneered " Sassy or not greenie is still a shuck face " His buddies snorted and laughed .

At first the girl was confused by the vocabulary but by his tone she figured out he is insulting her .

She glared at the boy . She hated him to think that girls are weaker just because they are smaller in size . Girls could do much more than boys . But these stupid boys refused to believe that .

Newt reached out his hand to her to pull her up .

She looked at it hesitantly but seeing Newt's reassuring smile she took it and was pulled out of the box .

That's when she looked around her and realised that she is surrounded by walls all around her .

" I'm Newt and this is Alby the leader of the Glade . You remember your name SheBean "

" My name is Valentina " she said trying to stay strong but a sharp pain shoots her head


A voice rings in her head and her eyes rolled to the back of her head .

" Clint , Jeff take her to the Med Jacks Room Now " Newt yelled

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

A worried Jeff looked down at the girl .

" Remember V , I love you . Don't forget me "

The voice rung in her head again making her gasp .

She looked around to see where she was .

" WHERE AM I . WHAT IS THIS PLACE . WHO ARE YOU GUYS " she said confused

" For that you have to come with me shebean " Alby said entering the hut with Newt behind him .

He leads her to show around the Glade , the homestead , the garden , the slammers , the deadheads and talking about the different jobs and their keepers .

Lastly he leads her to the Maze Walls

" There are just three rules Greenbean

➤ Never go outside the Glade unless you're a Runner

➤ Never hurt another glader . You have to trust each other

➤Everyone does their part . No slackers

" Wait Runners , who are they and why can't we leave the Glade " she asked them intrigued

Newt looks at Alby giving him the " we have to tell her sooner or later "

" The runners run the maze to find a way out " Newt says

" Wait a maze " she says with her mind spurring different scenarios

" Yeah , A maze and there are monsters called grievers in the maze . They come out at night but there are rare instances when they come out at day . And if you get stung by them , you will have to suffer tremendous amount of pain . " Alby explains

Valentina walked around herself for a while . She talked to chuck for a while . She found him the sweetest boy ever but he had to finish his job . He was a slopper .

She saw an asian , he was muscular and she didn't wanted to admit but she found him the most handsome guy along with Newt .

With lot of courage she said him hi and later found out that his name is Minho and he is the keeper of the Runners . They both had a lot in common .

There was a bonfire night for her and Minho dragged her to sit with him and Newt . Everyone stared at Minho and Newt jealous . They all wanted to get to know her and everyone wanted her . They were teenagers after all who hasn't seen a girl for 3 years . But they knew Newt And Minho would not let them as they were already protective for the shebean . Valentina was also interested in both of them . Both were polar opposites . But still they had one thing in common " A good heart " . She felt like she knew them but someone is missing . Someone for whom she cared a lot even more than them .


A/N : The Name Valentina is inspired by Valentina Tereshkova . She is the first and youngest women to flow in Space . And this is a Thomas fanfic .

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