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Gally and Thomas were at each other's neck waiting for the other one to make a move until Teresa called them out

" Hey! Guys It's Alby . He's awake "

Everyone looked at her and valentine and Minho broke into a sprint with everyone following them .

" Has he said anything " Minho asked

" No , he won't talk " Teresa said

" Alby " Newt said sitting down hoping he would talk to him . It was hurting him to see his bestfriend like this . So hopeless , so stunned " Alby you alright "

" Alby , We might have found a way out . You hear me . We could get out of this shuck place " Thomas said holding his hands

Alby had tears in his eyes . Never ever has Valentina seen the leader so tired , so hopeless , so much sad .

She just stepped forward and hugged him and Alby hugged her tighter .

Alby slowly shook his head, his lips parting. "We can't," he whispered, voice shaky. "We can't leave," he repeated, his voice louder this time - more confident. "They won't let us."

Thomas glanced back at Valentina and Newt, before continuing. "What are you talking about?"

"I remember."

Her eyes widened, shock flooding Valentina . Did that mean...?

"What do you remember?"

"You." Alby said, turning to Thomas.  Valentina lips parted, brows furrowing. "You were always their favourite, Thomas. Always. Why didn't you listen to Tina . She begged you so much . Why did you side with Teresa "

Slowly, she turned her gaze Newt, frowning. She couldn't help, even in that moment, but remember her memory. If it had been true, if that dream was truly a memory of her, what did Alby's words mean for her?

Valentina  were pulled from her thoughts when she heard shouting echo outside, it catching the attention of everyone.

"Why did you do this?" Alby continued, "why did you come here?"

The shouting grew louder, and you pushed yourself to a stand when Thomas did, stumbling back. She hadn't missed the way a tear had rolled down Alby's cheeks as he spoke. The moment Thomas had stepped away, Alby's tear had turned into a full out sob as he dropped his head into his hands, curling into himself.

"What are we gonna do?!" You heard a boy shout from outside.

Valentina  followed after Newt, his hand instinctively reaching out towards her and she easily accepted his hand.

"Where should I go?"

Thomas caught up to Winston, causing the boy to halt. "Yo, Winston, what's going on?"

"The doors," Wintson stuttered, "they aren't closing."

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