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" Tommy are we doing the right thing " A nervous valentina asked

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" Tommy are we doing the right thing " A nervous valentina asked

She appeared to be older , probably 15

" What do you mean V " thomas asks her

She snuggles more into him " you know sending them into the maze , they are our friends and we are practically sending them into a death trap , and see the irony , it is made by us . We both made the maze and I made those monsters haunting the maze "

" I don't know V , miss Paige says it's essential for the cure "  thomas says caressing her hair .

" I don't know V , miss Paige says it's essential for the cure "  thomas says caressing her hair

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" That's bullshit and you know it Tommy . The simulation machine I created can also be used for the same purpose . It would have made them feel they are in the glade and given us similar result but Teresa declined it and even convinced janson so he agreed and didn't allow mum to start the program  "  valentina said with an annoying pout .

" Now don't be tensed baby , let's sleep , we will worry about future later " he says and takes her in his embrace . Both lovebirds slipping in their slumber .

 Both lovebirds slipping in their slumber

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~ •° 《 ☆ 》 °• ~

Valentina woke up panting

" She can't be the creator , surely her brain was just making things , she couldn't have made those grievers and put her friends in the maze " she tried to convince herself but groaned in agony " those weren't dreams , they were her memories "

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