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A whole month has passed in the glade

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A whole month has passed in the glade . Time flew by and Valentina found a new family . Chuck was her cute little freckled brother . Minho was her crime partner and best friend while newt and Alby were like her brother . Even Gally had a soft spot for the girl and thought of her as her sister . He used to spend his free time telling her how to build and cracking small jokes just to see her laugh .

She was appointed the job of Cook and a medjack . She and Frypan made a good team . The day she used to cook all the gladers finished their jobs early just to enjoy her food .

Today was the day .

A new greenie will come .

Valentina felt pity for the guy to be trapped in such a place .

She is a medjack today and fixing minho wound .

He managed to cut himself while cutting the vines in the maze .

" How can the keeper of runners be so reckless " valentina said with a smile teasing him .

" Maybe the stupidity and carelessness of a pretty girl has rubbed on him " he said grinning .

She just laughed and finished to bandage the cut .

Just then the Greenie alarm echoed all over the glade .

Both of them stood up to see which ' ugly shank ' has arrived in this hellhole . " MINHO'S WORDS "

They both began to walk towards the box . Minho and Valentina were close . If someone didn't knew them he would assume they were a couple . Minho said something to Valentina making her laugh . He saw Alby waving at him so jogged towards the box .

Valentina decided to take a walk around the glade remembering her time in the glade .

She grinned to herself remembering the awkward encounter between her and Minho .

Minho always used to guard her shower stall when she was showering . It was either him or Newt .

" You doing alright Shebean " Minho asked

" yeah am done " valentina said but realised she left her towel on the bench .

" min uhh , can you pass me the towel "

Minho took the towel from the bench and walked back to her stall . She slid the curtain so only her hand could stick out and took the towel . She wiped herself and wore her underwear . As she stepped another step to wear her clothes she slipped on the patch of water and fell . Minho quickly reacted and caught the girl in his arms .

Valentina was lost in his eyes .

" you know Shebean it's funny , I have only known you for 14 days but I feel like I have known you my whole life " Minho said cupping her face with one hand , his other hand on her waist .

" The day I said you Hello , I felt something different like we have a lot of memories together " she said stepping closer .

Minho's face heat up as he was about to kiss the girl but Ben cleared his throat " you both are getting cosy , please continue "

Valentina quickly grabbed her clothes and went inside the stall blushing.

Minho rubbed his nape and glared at Ben

Ben just grinned and walked out of the bathroom yelling at him to meet Alby.

Ben didn't feel bad about ruining their moment . Even he wanted to kiss the platinum blonde .

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

Thomas balled his fist , his nails dug his palm seeing the screen . He wanted to kiss Valentina and hold her in his embrace . He wanted to cuddle her like he used to in the past . He wanted to punch the shit out of Minho for holding his girl like that .

" just 2 more weeks " he said in his mind " then we will be together again V , nobody could separate us " .

That night Valentina slept with a smile on her face blushing and remembering her and Minho's moment .

She thought she will get dreams of Minho but what she dreamt left her panting in the morning .

" Tommy leave me " she said laughing

" nah baby you have to pay the price of teasing me " the guy with brunette hair said and continued tickling her .

He continued to tickle her for few minutes and then stared at her laughing face .

" I love you V " he said staring at her lovingly"

I love you too Tommy " she said giving him a wide smile and kissing him softly but thomas pulled her in his lap making it a long make out session .

I love you too Tommy " she said giving him a wide smile and kissing him softly but thomas pulled her in his lap making it a long make out session

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That day she woke up panting .

That guy in her dreams .

She was close to him , she loved him . She just figured out his name was Tommy and he had amber brown eyes and brunette hair .

She came out of her daydream and came to stand beside Newt ruffling Chuck's hair .

Let's see the Greenie .

So Thomas has came to the glade and it is gonna go to shit real quick .

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