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When the cage opened Valentina felt a connection to the Greenie

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When the cage opened Valentina felt a connection to the Greenie .

Her eyes widened .

The guy in her dreams .

He is here .

Tommy is here .

But she knew if she acted unusual she had to answer the questions of the keepers .

Gally jumped down in the box and grabbed him by his arms yanking him out .

The Greenie looked around , his eyes lingering on Valentina . He also had the same look , he knew her atleast he recognised her .

But then he did something unexpectectable .

He made a dash towards the maze .

" Shouldn't we go after him " Valentina asked Newt .

His amber brown eyes triggered something inside of her .

" Hey , we have got a runner " zart hollered

The boys cheered after him but the Greenie faceplanted making every one laugh .

The Greenie stood up looking around him . His eyes wide and mouth open .

Alby decided to put him in the slammer until he calms down .

~ •° 《 ☆ 》 °• ~

" Hey Greenie , Are you okay , there was quite a fall you took " Valentina said sending him a small smile .

Greenie couldn't figure out but she looked familiar . He didn't remember his name but he remembered her .

Alby kneeled down to talk to the Greenie .

" Hey there greenbean , you're not gonna run again , are you " Alby asked him to which he shook his head but firing 20 questions on Alby

Alby got irritated by his questions and giving him a glare " Well Greenie , she is Valentina , the Greenie before you , she will give you the tour "

Alby patted Valentine's back and left her alone with Greenie .

He looked down " I don't know how but I remember you "

Valentina eye's widened so he remembers .

" We will figure it out together Greenie " she said clasping both their hands together giving him a smile  .

~ •° 《 ☆ 》 °• ~

Valentina gave him the tour leading him to the main buildings of the Glade .

Newt walked towards both of them with a smile .

" There was a dash you made earlier . You know for a second , I thought you had chops to be a runner until you face planted ." Newt joked grinning

" What ... A runner " the Greenie sluttered

" Newtie do me a favor and go and find chuck " valentina said and give a peck on his cheeks .

Thomas felt something burning inside him .

He felt jealous , anguish , hurt .
" She is supposed to be with me " that was the ultimate thought that Crossed his mind .

She guided him to look out . They both stopped at the top .

" What do you remember Greenie " valentina finally asked , the question itching her mind .

Thomas was baffled with the question but he knew he had to be truthful .

" I remember you , there were people in white coats and I asked you to remember me , I said I loved you and "

" Not to forget you " Valentina finished

This was another dream she had .

" Do you remember that women , she had blonde hair and wore white clothes saying the same thing "

" W.I.C.K.E.D is good " the Greenie finished .

Thomas stared at the open sky while valentina couldn't lift her eyes of the Greenie

He was very handsome with Amber Brown eyes , dark brown hair , bow quipped pink lips and moles scattering his face like constellation

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He was very handsome with Amber Brown eyes , dark brown hair , bow quipped pink lips and moles scattering his face like constellation .

[ I know thomas doesn't have moles but honestly I love dylan o brien moles so I'll let thomas have his moles ]

" What's out there " he asked looking towards the maze .

" We only have 3 rules Greenie . You follow them and you're gonna get along with every one

➤ Never go outside the Glade unless you're a Runner

➤ Never hurt another glader . You have to trust each other

➤Everyone does their part . No slackers

" Tina ! " A higher pitched voice was heard .

" Hey Chuckie ! Where were you " Valentina asked with a large smile .

Thomas admired her smiling face .

~ •° 《 ☆ 》 °• ~

Thomas was hardly listening to Chuck . His mind was everywhere  . One moment he was thinking about Valentina , the next his eyes fell upon the maze .

Valentina was helping Frypan prepare for the bonfire when they heard a agressive shout .

" What the hell is wrong with you guys " Greenie exclaimed

" Okay just calm down alright " newt said calmly

" Why won't you tell me what's out there " he asked

" We are protecting you alright , it's for your own good " Alby said raising his hands

" You can't keep me here "

As on the cue the maze started rattling and wind came from inside the walls . His breathing was accelerated staring at the walls with wide eyes

" Next time , I'm going to let you leave " Gally said .

Alby patted his back " Welcome to the Glade "

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