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Thomas saw Valentina drawing something

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Thomas saw Valentina drawing something .

" What are you drawing V " he asked

" Mumma told me to draw a monster which everyone fears " she replied shrugging

" So this giant spider " Thomas said laughing " who will fear such a ugly creature "

" Just wait Tommy , everyone will fear this creature " she said


" The maze trials will begin soon . Thomas and Teresa are the incharge of Group A while Valentina and Hardin are the incharge of Group B " The blonde women said

" But ma'am what about my simulation machine " valentina argues " It will also give the same result . We don't have to send them in the maze . They are just 13 year boys "

" Yes Dear but do your friends agree " the women questions her

Valentina looks at Thomas and Teresa .

She and Teresa didn't get along But Thomas . He said he likes her so he will support her .

" Thomas and I both refuse  . We are confident that sending them in maze trials will give us more effective result " Teresa said flatly

 We are confident that sending them in maze trials will give us more effective result " Teresa said flatly

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" No Thomas please , Teresa please there is no problem . The same result will be given " valentina said crying and the guy moved closer to comfort her .

She didn't want her closest friends to be sent to a place where they will fight for their lives .

" Tommy please " she said hoping Thomas would support her

" Tommy please " she said hoping Thomas would support her

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