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" We don't even know what this stuff is . We don't know who sent it . I mean , for all we know this thing could kill him . " Newt says looking down the vials

" Newt trust me , this can save Alby and he is already dying . How could this possibily make it worse " Valentine says keeping her hands on his shoulder

Newt looks at her and then at Minho who nods .

" Alright do it "newt says and valentine looks at Thomas

Alby shot wide awake and grabbed him by his collars " you shouldn't be here ! You shouldn't be here "

Valentine grabbed the Serum from his hand and plunged it into Alby making him calm immediately .

Valentine grabbed the Serum from his hand and plunged it into Alby making him calm immediately

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" Are you okay Tommy " she says hugging him and he hugs her back

Teresa had a annoying face , she didn't like the closeness of the duo .

She felt jealous of Valentine even if she didn't knew the reason .

" Hey sun-down Greenie , time to go . Let's go Tina " gally said from the door .

Thomas and gally walked towards the slammer and valentine followed them from behind .

" Hey what is your problem with me " Thomas asks

" Every thing started going wrong the minute you showed up . First Ben , Then Alby and you talked my innocent sister into your words and that new girl and you have a connection to the creators " gally said venting out his frustrations

" I'm same like you gally , I don't remember anything " Thomas says

" Keep telling yourself Greenie " gally said and opened the slammers door .

Thomas went in and saw gally talkin to valentina . His facial expressions changed . He looked more calm and soft . He saw gally giving Valentine a garlic bread and hugging her leading her to the slammers .

Thomas knew Gally was not a bad guy . It was just his defence mechanism to shut everyone out by snapping at the gladers .

" Gally you know we can't stay here forever right " Thomas said to him as Gally once again tightened the rope

He just stared at Thomas before going away .

" Tommy you there " valentine asked after all the lights in homestead went off

" Yeah V anything wrong " Thomas asked in a worried manner

There was a swinging noise and then valentina appeared infront of his slammer unlocking the door .

" Hey " valentine says and jumps into his slammer whiles he stares at her in shock with a small smile .

She was an angel in his life . With one smile of her every situation seemed easier to Thomas .

" Hey " he says tucking her hair .

" So whatcha doin " she says trying to act cute

Thomas says nothing to her pulling her in a passionate kiss

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Thomas says nothing to her pulling her in a passionate kiss . He slams her back to the wall still kissing her .

" I freaking love you so damn much " he says sucking dark marks on her neck .

" I love you too Tommy " she says with a smile and immediately pulls away " We need to talk " she says seriously

Thomas gets worried

" If it's not about officially asking you out I swear - " she stops him by keeping her finger on his lips

" No you dork but yeah we will talk about that later " Thomas relaxes but immediately became tense hearing her words " I think we worked for W.I.C.K.E.D Thomas "

" V no it can't be possible , no it's not true " he says with tears in his eyes thinking ashamed that he put so many innocent lives in danger .

" V no it can't be possible , no it's not true " he says with tears in his eyes thinking ashamed that he put so many innocent lives in danger

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Valentine told him her entire dreams from the start including the dream about the hardy guy .

" It indicates only one thing Tommy " she says sadly

" Maybe we were forced " Thomas says , his voice hoarse

Before valentine could answer a high pitch voice intervened them .

" Hey guys I ain't disturbing you all right " chuck asks grinning

" Heya Chuck " valentina said grinning

" I brought you guys some food " chuck says

" Well I'm not Hungry but Tommy here " she says pointing to him

Thomas stomach growls

The three of them laugh and Thomas starts eating the food chuck brought

Chuck sits down looking at his artwork

" Hey what's that Chuckie " valentine asks and Thomas also sees the statue

" It's for my mom , I mean I know I have her and she misses me but I don't remember her so I can't miss her " chuck says looking at the figure

And valentine heart tightens

" If really she worked for W.I.C.K.E.D then she put such a innocent boy in the maze " was her thought

Thomas understanding her inner turmoil squeezes her hand

" I promise you chuck we are gonna get out and you're gonna meet your parents " Thomas says

Chuck goes away from there after sometime.

Valentine looks at Thomas to find him staring back .

" I promise V I'm gonna make things right " he says clasping their fingers together

" I know " she whispers and slips to slumber in his embrace .

He smiles kissing her hair and looks towards the sky with a content smile

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