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Valentina attention was pulled elsewhere when she heard Teresa calling out Thomas's name.

" Bitch " the thought came in her mind .

She knew Teresa liked Thomas but Thomas was her and she was his .

She blinked, hands falling by her side as she finally caught sight of Thomas running out of the Council hall, obviously trying to catch Alby.

"Thomas, no!"



"Thomas, wait!"

Stumbling after Thomas, she paused next to Minho once she was outside, her eyes falling on the damage and destruction the Griever's had caused. Alby and the Griever that took him were completely gone from sight, and all there was left behind was fire and smoke. Broken pieces of the houses and buildings all built from scratch, left crushed around  all. But what really struck , was maybe she was the one who caused this . It was her and Thomas .

"Where is everybody?" Chuck asked. "Who's that over there?"

Following Chuck's line of vision, she recognized the figure as Gally, and he was making his way over to rest quick.

"Gally," Thomas called the moment Gally was before him. Whatever he'd been about to say, was interrupted the moment Gally reeled back his fist, slamming it into Thomas's cheek. Thomas, by the sheer force of it, fell forward, landing on his stomach as Minho, Newt and a few others reached forward, grabbing ahold of Gally's arms to hold him back.

 Thomas, by the sheer force of it, fell forward, landing on his stomach as Minho, Newt and a few others reached forward, grabbing ahold of Gally's arms to hold him back

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"Whoa, whoa, come on!"

"This is all you, Thomas, huh?" Gally bellowed, "look around!"

"Back up, Gally," Minho ordered, pushing Gally back by his chest. "It's not Thomas's fault!"

"You heard what Alby said." Gally huffed, "he's one of them!"

"One of who?"

"He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything and now he has." Shoving the hands that held him back

Gally struggled in everyones grip, his angry and dark eyes focused on Thomas and only Thomas. "Look around, Thomas. Look around. This is your fault. If you would have listened to valentina none of this would have happened . You don't deserve her when you sided with Teresa back"

"Hey, back off, Gally!"

The group led Gally back, but valentina remained where she stood, even though Newt had followed after them. She didn't know what to say, or do.

She found yourself frozen in bewilderment. She didn't believe Gally's words, or at least, She didn't want to, but this... none of this had started happening until Thomas came up. Until they both  started meddling in things they didn't understand.

So many fucked up things had happened since Thomas arrived. Things that didn't make sense and had seemed impossible before.

"Where are we going, Thomas?"

And maybe she had something to do with it too...

"Maybe he's right..."

Blinking she was pulled out of her own thoughts, glancing over at Thomas with furrowed brows.

"Thomas?" She called, her voice soft.

"I need to remember V ." He mumbled.


In the next second, Thomas had stabbed the stinger, the one off the Griever, into his leg.

"Thomas!" She shouted

Thomas was put into slammer .

Valentina was crying hard . There was no consoling her .

Gally took the smaller girl into embrace and she cuddles him but her mind went to Thomas .

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