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Thomas reached forward, hand shaking as he grabbed ahold of the door knob.

Valentina felt her breath still in anticipation, not sure what to expect on the other side of that door.

It could be anything. It could quite literally be your exit, like the sigh above it read, or it could just be another trap. Another prison.

The door creaked, pulling your attention back on Thomas as he slowly pushed the door open. A faint alarm whooped, growing louder as the door continued to open. From what she could see, it was just a narrow hallway, and two, still bodies were on the other end of you all.

Thomas stepped in, followed by Teresa and Chuck, and so on. Instinctively, she grasped Thomas hand, walking in beside him. She couldn't stop her heart from beating erratically against her chest .

This felt familiar to her . Like she was there before .

Everyone shuffled around him, trying to keep as good of a distance from the dead body as they could. She shuffled back, stumbling into Minho's shoulder. He gasped slightly, turned to look down at her .

Nodding at Minho, she mumbled an apology, glancing back ahead of herself.

"What happened here?" Winston asked, his voice soft with fright.

No one had an answer, and after a moment of silence,  all continued to shuffle forward. Thomas, in the front, led  all into a wider area, a room, filled with what looked like computers and plenty of other dead, unconscious bodies. Sparks of electricity shot everywhere, it crackling as the alarm continued to blare in the background.

She took slow steps, unsure of yourself as she made her way down the stairs.

This was the area where she and Hardin worked .

A few, like Teresa, didn't hesitate, walking on with a certain morbid curiosity.


Newt pulled gently on your arm, pulling your gaze onto a set of monitors lined up before you. Your lips parted in surprise when you realized exactly what you were looking at.

"So they were watching us..." Newt mumbled, eyes filled with disbelief. "This whole time."

Valentina eyes drifted elsewhere, taking a step to the right and letting go of Thomas hand as .

With a deep frown, Valentina continued making her way to the right, horrified at what she saw.

On one of the computers monitors, a picture of her appeared in the left hand corner. She was younger .

But what did catch her attention was what was written on the top.

Valentina .
My sweet little dove . It's Hardin . I know you won't remember me but if your memories come back then Don't worry about me . I'm back to the people where I belong . I hope you find your way back to me . And hold on I still need you .

Your hardy .

Thomas was jealous .

Valentina did remember Hardin . Infact she was close to him . He couldn't help but feel jealous .

In past he did betray her by going with Teresa's idea .

What if valentina-

He didn't even want to think that .


Thomas jumped, his head spinning to the left as a woman with blonde hair and dressed in white clothing appeared on a monitor. "My name is Dr. Ava Paige. I'm the director of operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department." Glancing over at Newt, he shared a look before the two of them simultaneously making their way over to the screen that was playing the video.

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