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The bonfire night was ending and Alby lead me to Minho's room

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The bonfire night was ending and Alby lead me to Minho's room . Apparently I'll be bunking there till Gally and his builders build a room for me.

As I entered Minho's room , I saw two cots , a cupboard , a dressing table and a mirror .

I wanted to cry bucket of tears as I saw the mirror . I was dying whole day to figure out how do I look .

I gasp and lift my hand to my face . Pale Skin . I run my fingers through my hair . Platinum blonde hair , striking blue eyes , plump lips . Woah I looked better than I imagined

" Done admiring yourself Shebean " A voice asked from behind startling me

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" Done admiring yourself Shebean " A voice asked from behind startling me .

I don't know but I suddenly felt shy so I just looked down .

I guess Minho felt my emotions and started the sleeping arrangements . " Here you take the left cot and I'll take the right coz I can sleep only on right side "

I shrugged my shoulders and climbed on the cot . A sigh escaped my lips as sleep started taking over my body .

" Good night Shebean "

" Good night min " the nickname slipping from my mouth as it's natural .

Minho smiled at the Nickname and closed his eyes to welcome a new morning .


As the sun rose Newt woke me up to carve my name among others officially making me a glader . I had to try the job as a slicer with Winston and as a cook with Frypan .

Wonder what this day will bring .


They both walked to the dining area and Newt introduced her to Frypan .

Frypan was stunned by her beauty just like every person in the glade . The boys couldn't stop staring at her . Newt found his regular table and invited her to sit along with them .

She settled between Minho and Newt with Alby , Ben , Gally , Clint , Jeff , Chuck and Winston . Everyone took a liking to the girl , even Gally .

She found Chuck the most adorable .

Who could put such a adorable child at such a place .

As breakfast finished Minho and the runners went into the Maze and Newt lead her to Winston .

As the smell of blood filled her nose her stomach twisted .

" I'll leave you two now " Newt said and left .

Furrowing her eyebrows " so what now "

" Now we gotta make some meat for tonight so Frypan could cook it " Winston said and and looked for his knife .

Winston sighed looking at her green face " you can look away if you want , I have to do this alright . This is our food for tonight "

She didn't last even 10 minutes in bloodhouse and went to the tower .

She didn't realise how time passed and it was evening .

" Tina , Frypan is calling you to try out for cook " she heard chuck

She sighed and climbed down to go to the kitchen . Maybe she would be a good cook .


" okay so what am I going to do ? " I ask Frypan .

" We gotta make Sandwiches " He said taking out the bread .

" You're the one being tested , so let's see how you will do . The ingredients are in the fridge and pantry which is to the right . " He said and walked away .

I took a deep breath and grab a hair tie from my wrist and twisted my hair into a bun .

I counted the breads 15 , not enough , so I took out 3 more loaves and shook all the bread out . Hmmm this would be enough.

I look around the fridge and found some uncooked chicken .

I prepped the grill and put the chickens on it to sizzle it .

Until the chicken is prepared I made the sandwiches .

As it was prepared I put out the plates . These boys have spent half their teenage years in this trashy place . Sure they could be pampered once . I served the food on the plates and quickly placed it on the tables .

As I felt satisfied with her work I rung the bell .

" What took you so long V ? " Minho teased me and ruffled my hair

" You'll see it yourself shuckface " I said

The gladers slang slipping my mouth unintentionally . I grinned finally feeling like one of them .

The boys felt shock with my work and I saw gally making his way towards me " ummm I usually don't do this mushy stuff , so bear with me " he said taking me in a bearhug .

Every one followed thanking me and making their way to me .

That night the glade was filled with laughter .

" So this is what home feels like " I smiled happily looking around myself and seeing everyone chatting and laughing .


" See Tom , she is alright , even happier than before " Teresa says and kept her hands on his shoulders for comfort .

" That doesn't make me less worried Teresa . I have to be with her , I have to look after her " Thomas says shaking his head and walking out .

Teresa looked down , tears blurring her eyes . She hoped to be close with Thomas as Valentina had gone . But it will always be her . Thomas will always choose Valentina .

Her plan of sending Valentina into the maze didn't work out .

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