The Suit Is British

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When I got back to the wreckage again, I saw the man lying unmoving on the ground and Tony standing above with a car key in hand. He turned, and seeing me staring at him, made his way over.

"I told you to get away." He pointed an accusing finger at me and I found myself sighing in relief.

He was fine.

"Yeah, well. I didn't listen." I told him, a slow smirk forming on my face.

"You could've been killed."

Well, what's new about that?

Of course I didn't say that out loud, instead casually shrugging as if the whole thing that had transpired was normal.

He simply rolled his eyes at my nonverbal response, before he began making his way to a parked car on the road.

"Where's the file?"

"Here." Came the voice from behind us before I could answer.

We both turned to see Harley standing with the object in his grasp, which he handed over to Tony.

"Good work, kiddo."
I smiled at him and he nodded before falling in step at the other side of Tony, engaging him in a lighthearted conversation.

I let the two of them talk while I slowed my pace, lagging behind as I remembered that I had left my bag back at the bar.

It had probably been destroyed by now.

A long sigh of suffering escaped my lips as I realized that all my belongings were gone. It dawned on me that I was practically stranded here now, with no clothes, no job, no place to stay, and no money to buy a room.

Yay me...

My throat closed up and my eyes burned with the threat of tears, making me blink rapidly in order to control the overflowing emotions that had descended on me out of nowhere.

I took deep breaths, keeping them at bay so I wouldn't suddenly start hyperventilating. I didn't realize that my companions had stopped until I heard them call out.

"Hello? Are you alright?" I snapped my head to Harley who was frowning up at me.

Slightly shaking myself to get rid of the daze I had found myself in, I offered him a confident smile.

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine."

I then met Tony's eyes while he stared back at me in a disbelieving way. Thankfully though, he chose not to say anything, instead getting into a car, probably stolen from the freaky man.

As he got in, Harley spoke up. "So now you're just gonna leave me here, like my dad?"

Whoa, what?

I looked at the kid in surprise, just as Tony said. "Yeah."

Whirling on him, I gave him the most shocked and horrified look at the very cold, very blunt answer.

He paid me no mind. "Wait, you're guilt-tripping me, aren't you?"

"I'm cold." Came the kid's response, soft and innocent as he pulled on his jacket and ducked his head in an immensely adorable way that had my heart melting.

"Aww." I breathed out.

"I can tell." Tony mimicked his tone. "You know how I can tell? Because we're connected." He mocked, making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Leave the kid alone, Tony."

"I am. Goodbye." He said, before he shot off down the road at a speed that would give people heart attacks, tires screeching loudly as the car disappeared.

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