Flying Without Wings

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"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" My shrill scream was lost in the blowing wind as I tumbled, limbs flying everywhere while I free fell through the air.

"Help! Me!" I pleaded in between the screams.

"WILLOW!!!" I yelled and he appeared in front of me.

"Calm down, Aylin." He spoke coolly.

If I had been on the ground, I would've chewed out his head for saying something like that when I was being dropped through the sky like a sack of potatoes.

"Focus on the air currents around you. Let them carry you."

Knowing that it was pointless to argue that the task was much more easier said than done since my braincells were currently being scattered around, I decided to try, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

You control the element. Just command it. Bend it to your will.

I let the words wash over me, ignoring the fast approaching ground that I had a high chance of decorating with my broken body parts, and spoke in my mind.


And suddenly, I was back in control over my own askew limbs. The wind ceased blowing and I found myself levitating inches off of the ground.

A triumphant shout burst through my lips as I floated for a moment before my feet gently touched the ground.
"Oh my God! I did it! I actually did it!"

"You still need a lot of practice."

"I didn't die!" I squealed, ignoring Willow's comment.

It had been almost four months since I first started training under the Will-o'-wisp's guidance.
Four long, torturous months as I learned how to control the gifts I had been granted, bending it to my commands.

In the first few weeks, Willow demanded that I broaden my horizons, and I spent the following months finding out the extent of my abilities, both Earth and Air.
I learned that I could literally conjure plants, stones, wooden stakes and many other natural earthy things from my palm. I could basically envision a pointed stone spear in my head and the next second it would be in my grasp.

Then came Air bending, which was when I figured out that I could throw the spear and guide the currents around so that it hit a certain target.
And after learning to move things around, I pretty much exploited that power in my laziness. As in, I practically sat in one place while I commanded the element to do my bidding, like shifting heavyweight objects and sweeping the floors ,to tasks as simple as putting my phone on charge and flicking the light switch when I slept.

Suffice to say, Willow didn't like it very much.
And once he deemed that I was fully trained in the basics, he told me that we'd be moving on to more complicated things, like flying.

Which brought us to the present.

To be frank, I was very excited in the beginning.
I mean, who wouldn't be? I bet every single one of us had wanted to fly as a kid, or at least thought of it once. But all the excitement faded into terror when he announced that it was something I would learn while doing it.
Which meant, he literally pushed me off a damn building.

How he accomplished that with his tiny body was beyond me, but I had been falling like a rock to think about it much.

"You must be ready for everything, Aylin. Train your mind such that commanding the elements comes as naturally as taking a breath." Willow's voice knocked me out of the trance I had found myself in.

I glared at him. "I hope you know that I'm definitely going to get back at you for that little stunt you pulled earlier."

"Wow, you terrify me." He deadpanned, making me cross my arms with an irritated huff.

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