Scattered Minds

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I awoke when my head hit something hard, jerking up with a tired groan. Opening my eyes heavily, I failed to recognize my surroundings right away, blinking in a confused daze before the fog cleared.

"What the hell?"

The quinjet?

I went to move up but was harshly tugged back, making me realize that I had been tied up to a seat, rendering me immobile.

"What's all the noise for?"

Panicked, I looked up but instantly relaxed when I saw the unconcerned face of Clint.

"Oh you're awake." He said chirpily, unbounding me as if nothing was wrong.

I rubbed my head where I'd been hit, frowning up at him. "Where am I?"


"Oh oka-" I doubled back instantly. "WHAT?"

He barely flinched at my loud tone, instead chuckling like there was some joke going on that I wasn't part of as he lowered himself into the seat across from me.

"We found out Ultron's plans and decided to intercept him here." He stated, casually twisting an arrowhead.

"What the hell does that have to do with me?"

He shrugged. "We also decided that staying alone at the tower could be unsafe for you and since Agent Hill wasn't available to babysit, we just brought you along."

I regarded him blankly. "Did it occur to you that I could've been woken up and informed of this instead of you kidnapping and strapping me to a seat?"

"We tried to wake you up, you wouldn't budge."

"That does not justify this!" I cried. "Did you even bring my passport?"

He waved my concerns away, slinging up his quiver. "Don't worry about that. Also, Dr. Banner will stay with you this time."

Pouty and irritated and in pain, I followed him to where everyone was suiting up, and hardly paying attention to them, I sat in a random seat with a loud huff.

"What's up with her?" I heard Steve ask and the frown deepened.

What a bunch of dense, thickheaded fools..... Except Natasha and Bruce.

"She's fine, just a little annoyed at the harsh awakening."

I scoffed, grabbing my phone, thankfully still intact in my pocket.

"Alright everyone, you know the drill." Tony called, the mask going down over his face as he turned to face Bruce. "We'll let you know if there's a code green."

"Yeah, let's hope not."

"And Aylin-"

I stuck my earphones in, turning away and I could almost feel the exasperation rolling off of them.

Not my problem though... kidnappers.

"I'm going for a walk." I declared, getting up. "It is not up for debate, I can take care of myself and if you need to know, I will come back in like ten minutes. Okay bye."

I walked out before peeking back in, squinting my eyes at them. "Don't die."

Then I turned on my heel, scanning the new landscape in a new country before slowly trudging through, going in a random direction and hoping to not get lost.


Jumping in startlement, my hand swung of its own accord until it was grabbed and Mom narrowed her gaze at me. I wrenched it away.

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