Another Farewell

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"Where are we going?"

"That's the fourth time you've asked the same question." I told Harley as we walked deeper into a forest.

"I wouldn't have to if you would just answer." He sassed.

"We are going somewhere people can't see us." I responded, slowing my pace to turn in a circle as I inspected the area we were in.


I whirled around to face him and he stopped. "Have you ever wanted to fly?"

Harley blinked, puzzlement written on every inch of his face as he stared at me. "What?"

Rolling my eyes, I put a hand on my hip. "Just tell me, kiddo. Yes or no?"


"No buts! It's a yes or no question." I cut him off, grinning when he looked at me weirdly.

"Go on, answer me."

At my urging, he rolled his eyes. "Yes. But I don't see how thi-"

He never finished his sentence, instead letting out a loud shriek as I used my new found powers to lift him up in the air.

I twirled him around, chuckling at his shock. But the grin was wiped off my face when I saw his expression of pure terror.

"Shit!" I whispered, instantly lowering him.

Great job, idiot! Now the poor kid's frightened out of his mind.

"Hey hey, it's okay!" Reaching forward, I grabbed his shoulders.

"That was me. I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd get scared."
I spoke frantically, guilt coursing through me as he gazed at me with widened eyes.

"Ho-how did you...?"

"I control the Air as well. Sorry kiddo, I really thought you'd enjoy."

Harley's panicked look faded and he shook his head.

"No. No, I was just...." He trailed off, appearing to be thinking. After a moment of silence, he continued.
"Can you... can you do it again?"

I frowned. "Are you sure?"

He nodded, a tiny glint of what looked like excitement now flashing in his blue eyes.

" about we do it together then?"

Without waiting for his response, I gently grabbed his hands, commanding the air.

Just as I did, I felt my feet rising up above the ground along with the kid's and he yelped, instantly throwing his arms around me in a tight embrace.

A soft smile graced my lips as I gently held him, feeling a strange sort of warmth in my heart.

I closed my eyes, controlling the currents to pull us up into the sky at a steady and slow pace, so as not to scare Harley.

As we rose further, I tapped on his back. "C'mon kiddo, open your eyes. I'm not gonna let you fall."

At my assurance, his grip on me loosened and I let go of him, watching as he reluctantly dislodged himself from me before gazing around.

"Woahhh..." His eyes widened in fascination.

I smiled at his awe, making sure to keep a firm hold on his hand before I decided to try something fun.
And with a simple wish, we were soaring.

The wind howled in my ears, whipping my hair around as a whoop left the kid.
Soon we were flying in random directions, which felt more like we were skating on air.

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