The Crazy Lady

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My eyes fluttered open and I found myself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling with confusion. 

"Good Morning." 

The sudden voice had me jumping, and I snapped my head to the side, instantly meeting Harley's blue gaze.

The frown melted from my face as I was bombarded with the memories of the past night and I shot up straight on the couch I had fallen asleep on.

"What- what is the time?" I questioned, frantically running my hands through my hair.

"A little after 11." The kid replied, watching me as I stood up and paced around.

"Why didn't you wake me up when I fell asleep?"

I saw him shrug. "I could have, but then I remembered you telling me that you didn't have anywhere else to go. So I figured, I'd let you stay the night. Mom agreed too."

At the last part, my eyes widened. "Oh God!" I whispered, covering my face with my hands.

"What did she, um, say?" I hesitantly peeked at him through my fingers.

"Nothing much actually. I just told her you needed a place to stay." He said, picking at a thread on his shirt.

Dropping my hands, I stared at him incredulously. "And she agreed?"

Harley avoided eye-contact, shrugging again in an overly nonchalant way as a faint pink dusted his cheeks. "I told her about yesterday, that you helped me escape the man that had captured me. She was grateful about it." 

I blinked at him. "You wanted me to stay because you felt like you owed me."

When he gave a short nod, my eyes softened and my lips twitched into a tiny half-smile. "You don't owe me anything kiddo. Thank you for helping me or I would've been stranded for sure." I joked light-heartedly.

There was a brief moment of silence where I thought of the kindness this little kid had showed me. This type of thoughtfulness was something I had rarely seen in my few years of life. And while it wasn't necessary, I certainly appreciated it.

"Well, then Harley, it was nice meeting you. I'll be, uh, heading out now." I stuck out a thumb at the door awkwardly. "Goodbye kiddo." 

I offered him one last grin before I spun on my heel and walked away, inhaling the cold air as soon as I got out. Wrapping my arms around myself, I allowed myself to close my eyes, feeling the pure bliss in my heart. Then I opened them, starting my journey back to the place I had first dropped at.

I had only reached a few feet away from the house when a sudden disturbance in my peripheral view caught my attention and I turned around, eyes immediately widening when I took in the figure charging at me.

"I WILL SLAY YOU BEAST!" The woman hollered, a knife held high up in the air, as she dashed towards me.

"What?" I looked around, thinking she might be talking to someone else, but there was no one in the vicinity.


To say that I was confused would be an understatement. 

"Ma'am I think you've mistaken me for someone else." I told her as calmly as I could, but my argument fell on deaf ears.

Horrified, my eyes widened even more when she approached nearer, red eyes screaming murder and before I could properly think about what was even happening, my feet were running in the other direction.

"STOP RUNNING, YOU COWARD!" I could hear her footsteps behind me, shoes clapping against the ground thunderously.

"What the absolute fu-AAH!" The shrill scream left me, as I slipped on the wet pavement, landing painfully on my face in the snow. 

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