The Lonesome Player

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I was never particularly afraid of it. At times, I even found comfort in the knowledge that nothing lasts forever, neither pain nor joy. In my belief, it was all a test to see how much a person can bear in their lifetime. 

'All the world's a stage. And all the men and women are merely players.'

I didn't know why I was reminded of the quote. Why was Shakespeare intruding upon my mind?

Though it made me wonder if there was someone out there, someone superior, who ran the world like a game. Maybe there were even beings who bet on their favourite players, and occasionally tried to erase their hurdles just to see them make their way through the final end. 

I wonder if they got angry if they gave up in the middle of the game. 

The thought formed in my brain as I regained conscious achingly slow. I wasn't aware how or when I had fallen asleep but I didn't open my eyes just yet. 

It hurts.

I registered the pain in my neck then, along with the soreness of my body. My limbs felt like lead and even lying down, I felt the effects of dizziness.

The sound of a door clicking open caught my attention followed by a distinctly familiar voice.

"She isn't awake yet?"

A low murmur, that I missed, seemingly answered the question for there was nothing spoken after.

I twitched my fingers, trying to fully awaken despite the drowsiness clouding my senses. Succeeding, I wrenched my eyes open..... and instantly regretted it.


The shriek ripped from my lips, leaving my throat raw as I instinctively jumped away from the person hovering over me, almost falling off the bed in the process.

A split second later, I realized I'd screamed right in his face. His uncovered eye narrowed in annoyance before he leaned back, crossing his arms.

Ah shit.

I swore as Nick Fury stared down at me silently. 

Agent Hill stood behind him, her stance alert and ready as I awkwardly ignored eye contact.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, ignoring my previous action.

That was before I noticed where I was, or rather, where I wasn't.

"Wait... this is not the tower." 

I frowned, looking around at the unfamiliar place, wondering how in hell I'd gotten here.

"You have Agent Hill to thank for that."

I looked back at him at the mention of the name and instantly, memories shot through my sleep-addled brain like drugs through veins. 

Willow's disastrous revelation, my tantrum, the unexpected appearance of the agent... the eventful morning played in my mind in high focus. And, I was pretty sure I'd been shot.

Well hell.

"Mind explaining yourself?" The director spoke when I didn't respond and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What about you?" I turned the question on him. "I thought you promised me you wouldn't tell anyone."

He eyed me blankly. "Agent Hill was sent to Stark's at my order, to keep an eye on the Avengers in case anything went wrong. You were not a part of it, neither mentioned of. That would be suspicious since you are essentially a nobody in everyone else's eyes."

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