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Hello everyone, welcome the new version of Memory of the Past Future, hopefully this will be more organized and easier to follow.


'Only the one with a heart of pure gold can shine light in the darkest places. 
Only the one with a rational mind can find a way out in the time of doubt. 
Only the one with a strong spirit can guide others from the darkness. 
The one who is chosen shall guide the savior of darkness, shall save him from himself and shall stand beside him no matter the cost'

This was the prophecy spoke for the ones who will continue to keep the Steve, prophesied to save everyone from the coming darkness, from falling himself. The prophesied Steve was said to be the strongest and had the powers of all the Steves combine. Though that was impossible until a rumor spread that he can spawn water, shoot out fireballs and done much more that only regular Steves had one of. 

Everyone was hoping for his arrival, though several wanted otherwise.  


A teenager walk through his town, the elders just told them the savior's prophecy and he couldn't disagree anymore. To him, the savior was something of false hope, something for the Steves to believe until someone takes that role. Another thing he hates about this so called 'savior' is that no one know when he'll come or what he'll look like or anything. All that everyone knows is that he's coming when the darkness does. 

'Well, they're too late for that' He thought, 'The darkness is here and chaos will spread throughout the land and nothing can stop it. Not even the so called 'hero' can stop it.'

'He does exist'

'So you decide to speak?'


'So when will he appear'

'He already does'

'So I'm too late'

'No, for now he is a young one'

'How many?'

'Only few know who and where he is, he has yet to know or understand his purpose and his powers'

'Perfect, I can eliminate him easily'

'Yes, but remember what will happen if you fail'

'I won't fail. As for you, don't forget what you promised me'

'I never forget a deal'



A man paced back and forth, his time was running out and didn't have enough of it to see his love ones. He was going to die without seeing their smiling faces one last time after promising to come home once he was done.

'I can help you'

'Who are you? Where are you?'

'I am no one yet someone. I can help you see those you desire once again'


'Making a deal with me'

'What is it?'

'........ .......'

'I'll do it, I'll do it for them'

'Good, now don't fail or else you'll suffer the consequences'

'I know, I understand'


"My plan may have failed, but I'll give you one more chance as the savior has forgotten. Just don't fail me again or else it's your love ones who will pay the price this time around. Soon I will bring chaos across this world and I'll regain what should have been mine all those years ago"


Looking at the scene before them, a figure shook their head before walking away.

"History is repeating. When will it is the question to ask for the time isn't right"

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