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I woke up from a never-ending dream.
I shut my eyes at 17.
I lost every moment in between.
I felt the sun rise up and swallow me, yeah.

It was a fine day at school. I was never excited for this shit at all. The thought of being here (alone) daunts my senses. I felt the aching sensation of my body, as I made a brisk move, from yesterday. That asshole who did this sucks, and he threatened me, saying not to tell my parents about this. It's not that they care for their worthless son anyways.

I managed to keep my head down while walking out of the restroom, not really speeding up my pace. There wasn't many students around here and I can't seem to find the reason to made them stare at me.

I'm in my third month of being a Grade-8 and everything wasn't well here. Or even there in my place.

My eyes scanned the hallway and the coast was clear. I gotta go to my first period, and fast, since the class would start in a quick five minutes.

I jostled amongst the thick crowd of students as I made my way for science on the first floor. As I 'walk-run' through the first floor's empty corridor, I felt someone was watching me. I just knew it and my instincts were kinda accurate.

Not again, I muttered to myself and achingly hurried my steps since the science room was located at the very last corner of the floor.

My breathing hitched for a second as I heard the sound of incoming footsteps from my behind. And I knew it. I knew the way he puts his weight on his feet and collide it on the floor. I knew the vehement intentions he was having; his constant anticipation for my another worse day, which I was looking at.

I quickened my pace as fast as I could muster; my leg still hurts from the bruises I've got. And I knew that it was the end of my lucky-ten-minutes-escaped when he intentionally grabbed me on the back of my collar and turned me around forcefully.

I couldn't fight back. My body hurts and my insides are in anguish. I looked at him in an apathetic manner and the devil etched a smirk on his face.

He chuckled, still clutching my collar. Then I knew it was going to happen again --- the beating.

It happened quickly, and his fist collided with my face. I felt my upper jaw hurts. Then, of course, without hesitation, he easily dragged me to an empty room nearby; just four rooms ahead and then the science room.

He vigorously pushed me on the wall. I felt the cold dull emotion of the wide background on my back as I collided on it. There, he started beating me up. I remained monotonous even though my insides were shouting in pain. I would never cry in front of him nor beg him to stop. What for? To pissed him even more?

It was heavy blows I've got from him and I couldn't stand any of it much longer. I tried to stifle a wince but I failed, then I heard his devilish chuckle once again. My knees did not take it anymore, it trembled in pain and couldn't stand my whole weight. He loosened the grip on my collar and my body swiftly slid down the wall.

My body lay down the cold floor, touching my thin ribs, touching my outdoors. He turned his back on me, leaving. I curled down like a ball and embrace myself, holding back the tears out of the corner in my eyes.

I abruptly shut my eyes and felt the cold moment. I felt in pain. I didn't expected him to turn around and kicked me on my stomach. I gritted my teeth to repress a yelp. And then his footsteps vanished from the background as my stomach throbbed in pain.

For a second, I felt sick. Heat was making its way up my throat and then it emerges on my mouth; the crimson liquid; taste of rust, taste of putrid. And it came while I coughed hard. My left hand was placed on my midsection and the other was covering my mouth. I've opened my eyes to see blood on my hand and it was the last thing I've seen as black dots came in my vision, a tear have escaped for frustration, and everything went dark.

Some kind Of Disaster (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now