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Jack's POV

"There." beamed the nurse after she bandaged Alex's sprain.

"Must have been torture right?" I asked him and sated beside him. Alex was sitting on the bed with his other leg being rests on a chair for support.

I heard him sounded an incoherent word which I didn't caught. "What?" I asked as I turned to him.

"Nothing..." He shook his head without looking at me.


"Jack!" croaked Austin on the second bed being separated with a curtain.

"What?" I talked back.

"Come here you jackass." I turned to see his head popped out from the curtain he had clutched open.

"What, why?" I asked and stood up.  I turned around the bed and pushed the curtain open. Then I remembered Alex with me so I turned around and said, "I'll be back in a second."

He heard me and jerked his head upward; he nodded. I closed the curtain back and turned to Austin whose face covered with seriousness.

"What?" I whispered and turned to see the guy who pushed Alex earlier being unconscious. His head and upper body was covered with bandages by the nurse earlier. And Mike was standing beside the bed with his arms crossed.

Austin nodded at Mike and Mike moved the guy. His shirt opened at the back, revealing a miniature tattoo of a tiger with claws and red eyes and beneath the picture were two letters namely F . T inked with black.

"Is this the invisible tattoo?" I whispered.

"How do you know about it?" whispered Austin back as he ushered Mike to move the guy to the positioned he had been before.

"Vic told me about it earlier." I said.

"Right,.. so we gotta be careful." He said and looked at the guy.

"It's not just him here. There are tons of them here." and he sighed.

"We just gotta remained calm, I guess." He added.

"Calm, right.." I chuckled.

"Dude, I'm trying." said Austin in a serious tone.

"I know. I'm trying too." I said and shook his head.

"Hey, giant!" someone interrupted from behind and Austin jerked back instantly. I hope the guy didn't heard anything.

"Learn to knock, ginger." spatted Austin.

"What do you want?" Austin added.

"Hand me the alcohol." said Alan.

"What alcohol? --- oh right." reacted Austin.

Mike got the plastic bottle of sanitizer from the bedside table and thrown it after to Austin.

Austin then hand the alcohol to Alan while asking, "How was that friend of yours?"

"He's good. And tough," Alan muttered. "Thanks."

I watched the two as they talked like some long-term friends. It made me wondered when did Austin met him. 

Alan pushed the curtain off and vanished in my sight. He went to his mate's room and maybe attend him, obviously.

"When did you met Alan?" I asked Austin as he turned around at me while grinning.

"What?" He asked.

"I said, when did you meet Alan." I reiterated.

"What, the ginger boy? I've met him in like an hour ago or an hour and half an hour ago, just to be accurate." Austin said in a duh like tone.

Some kind Of Disaster (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now