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Vic was the first one to entered with a fake cough that did took the attention of the woman.

I stayed on the threshold like my foot forgot to walk. My eyes were only fixed on him and he was staring at Vic who was drawing near to him.

I could say he was fragile; he was vulnerable suchlike a glass. And my insides were screaming that i should protect him. I don't know why. I just wanted to. His gaze averted to mine and I look away awkwardly with a scowl quickly form on my face.


What was that? There was it again. That strange feeling. Why would I frown? It just doesn't feel right every time our gazes have met. I felt mad. I'm mad at myself. And I don't know why.

"Ummmm Jack..." I was pulled off from my trance when I heard Vic talked, his hand was waving at me.

"Oh yeah .. .. yeah.. sorry, what?" I stuttered being defensive.

"The bag." Vic spatted and rolled his eyes.

"Right." I muttered feeling internally red all of a sudden.

I thought I heard Alexander chuckled like he did earlier, but I shrugged it as I grabbed the bag from my back.

I quickly got the bag and held it tightly with my both hands, I walk a few steps and halted in his bedside, my eyes looking at his. I don't know why but I felt being drown.

And I was right, he did chuckled. His lips was pursed in a thin line seeming like he was stifling a laugh.

"Here." I said plainly, handing him the bag. I just noticed it was quite heavy.

"You could put it there." He coldly said. That was a quick change of mood, I thought to myself.

"So um,.. how are you feeling?" I asked plainly and that was the first time I cringed at my own voice.

"Fine." He simply answered.

And I nod, not looking at him.

"Look at yourself, man." Vic stated in disapproval.

"Yeah. I know, Vic." replied Alexander.

I backed up a bit and stood beside Vic.

"Look, we gotta go." I said after and pulled Vic's wrist.

"Wait, I haven't say goodbye to Al---"

"We're going, Alexander. Take care." I muttered coldly and yanked Vic with me as he didn't argue anymore.

After we got away out of the room, he yanked his wrist from my grip.

"Why in a hurry, dude?" He asked tugging his beanie on his head.

"Class, remember?" I retaliated being annoyed as we continued to walked.

"I thought you're a bad guy." He taunted.

"Yeah since I'm going to knocked down some knuckleheads in the way. " I sarcastically uttered.

"Wews, scary." He laughed and I laughed with him. We both chuckled on our way to Music which was a subject we have shared.

Now that was weird cause I felt annoyed for a moment back then at the clinic, but now I felt a burden have been taken off from my chest.

Shrugging the thought off, we went to the second floor with our feets whilst still laughing our asses off with some corny jokes we both made up. Vic halted and shot me a look, I stopped, and the two of us went inside.

Some kind Of Disaster (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now