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Jack's POV

I explained to Austin what I had witnessed; the nurse in the restroom unbuttoning his uniform shirt. His face was so distinct that if I ever met him again I would recognize him right away.

"Shits." muttered Austin.

"I know." I replied and looked down on the staircase's tiles as Austin and I walked towards upstairs on the exit route. We made a turned, on what seem like an hour of walking, in the hallway and passed the restroom again.

I opened it once again and no one was there. I checked the lavatory and the trashcan's again as I stayed there. There was nothing to get but trashes and tissues. I washed my hand after on the sink with me catching my reflection on the mirror.

I looked terrible, honestly. My mouth was shut closed with my eyebrows furrowed. My blood was building deep inside as my gazes were keen. Remembering the 'fake' nurse's face didn't soothed me at all. If only I could turn back time.

He was still here. I could easily caught him. But I did not; I was stupid.

In deep hatred, I slammed the door closed with Austin waiting for me outside the restroom.

"Don't worry. At least we caught the licensed plate of the van." reassured Austin. But that didn't stop my blood from boiling; the searing liquid scalded my soul that made my vision enveloped with darkness.

We went back to Room 28 and found Mike, Tony and Vic in the couch as they've talked.

"Austin, you need to know this." Mike stated and looked at Austin straight in the eye while Austin and I halted in the doorway.

I closed the door behind me without breaking my gaze to Mike.

Then Mike said, "The car went to Jaime's subdivision. And we weren't allowed to go in there." He breathed.

"What? The security knows us! We've been in and out in there. And you're just living in the next subdivision, how come they didn't recognized the two of you?" huffed Austin.

"The thing is, Ranz Preciado made an order to not let any visitors in." stated Vic.

"Ranz?" I asked.

"He's Jaime's step brother." said Vic.

"I don't get it. I don't get any of it." I muttered, still, standing.

"But we'll just have to find who's the owner of the car." explained Austin and settled down.

"Speaking of the devil..." he muttered as his phone rang and he answered.

"Hello Tino! ... what? It belongs to Ranz Preciado?" asked Austin as he looked at us.

"I meant the first one.." muttered Austin.

"Okay ... How about the last one?"

"Okay,.. I'm coming." Austin putted his phone down and looked at us.

"Jack and Vic, you're coming with me. Mike and Tony stay here." said Austin and I was about to ask why.

"No questions. Hurry up!" He huffed and pulled the door open.

"Mike, give Vic the keys." and Mike handed the car keys to his brother.

The three of us walked passed room 27 and room 26 and trailed down the slanted surface and made a turn for the hallway. Then we went straight to the elevator and Vic pressed the ground floor button.

We arrived in a quick second and got out. We walked out of the Building and went to the parking lot. The four of us went inside the car and Austin drove. Me and Vic were on the passenger's seat at the back as Austin made a turn and went out, in a swift speed, on the Hospital grounds.

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