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Jack's POV

"What the fuck!" I muttered after Alex and I accidentally kissed. And it was like a 'quick' peck on the lips. But still.

"Watch it, Vic." grumbled Alex and Vic turned to us with bewilderment written all over his face.

"What? Sorry.. it was Tony." Vic apologized and shrugged.

"Yeah." I sarcastically said and rolled my eyes. Alex, beside me, shrugged either.

"Look. It wasn't my fault." shot Alex.

"It wasn't my fault either." I huffed and I heard him breathed.

It was a matter of silence, between the two of us since the guys didn't actually noticed what had happened --- which was actually great for mine and Alex's part, and then the both of us burst into laughing.

"Haha.. look at your face, Jack. Hahahaha..." laughed Alex and I raised him an eyebrow, pretending I'm mad at him. I know it sounds gay but he looks really pretty with those laughs.

"Hey! Sorry.." he apologized and shrugged. But I didn't budge.

"Hey,.." he nudged my arm.

"Look, I'm sorry.. " he says heartily while he stifled a laugh.

"Hey!" He says again and his expression was back to that poker expression of his.

"Nevermind.." he huffed and rolled his eyes. He then looked to the guys with his arms crossed and a poker expression on his visage.

"Okay,.. okay... Fine.. fine.." I muttered as I gave up. But he ignored me.

"Hey! Come on!" I nudged his arm. But he still ignored me.

I shrugged without an option left. I briskly embraced Alex in a hug by his waist and he shivered.

"Hey.." I sweetly played.

"Fine.. fine.. you can let go now." He said and rolled his eyes.

"What if I won't let go?" I teased. He seemed surprised and turned to me with exasperation written all over his.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked. Our faces were closed but I pretended I didn't care. And for your information, I could feel his warm breath. And why was I doing this again?

"Nope." I shook my head.

"I'm going to make you let go by force." He warned.

"Oh make me." I smiled at him. I thought I saw his eyes flickered for a second but maybe it was just me hallucinating.

He then looked down to my hands which was tightly sealed around his midsection and hold it with his. He tried parting it with force and I could say he was strong. But I'm a little bit stronger so no. no. no.

"Look, a caterpillar." muttered Alex, pointing his mouth on my shirt. I looked down to see where and that genius got out off my grip.

"Haha.. kidding!" he says and I shrugged.

"Come on, Let's eat now!" Ranz stood up and got the disposable utensils out. Zack and Rian helped him while they handed the things to the others.

Everyone stood up and so does Me and Alex. I accidentally touched his hand and internally shivered. What's going on?


After the meal, Vic had trown the disposable stuffs at a nearby trashcan while attending his phone.

We all talked there while hoping Jaime would now wake up as he was already sleeping the whole day.

It seemed passed an hour while Alex and I played a racing game and made it a contest. It wasn't fair since he won three consecutive times while I won at the first game.

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