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Ms. Kiyoko said that Rian and Zack would be performing on the next meeting which would be on the next Monday. Then Jenna and Tay and then Me and Alexander for the next next Monday.

Vic and I are currently taking our lunches on the cafeteria with Jaime, Mike, Tony, Rian and Zack. I did wanna asked him why he didn't told me that they are here but I don't want to hear 'you did not ask' as a reply. Cause I didn't even asked, actually.

Vic shot me a look every time I would open my mouth to shoved my food. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head as a respose, and he glared at me. I nodded with him as I was annoyed. Luckily I've finished lunch without getting queasy.

I brought the plate with me to the woman who was in charge of washing 'em and I excused myself to the guys as I would go to the bathroom to brush my teeth which I've earned a look from Vic like he was saying 'you better not'.

I rolled my eyes and went to the same toilet I was in earlier; it got a lavatory which was pretty nice. I opened the water and attend my bag, getting my toothbrush and toothpaste out. I then brushed my teeth and spit the bubbles out. Finished, I washed my toothbrush and kept it inside my bag.

I got a handful of water in my hand and I splashed it on my faced; feeling the sudden shiver when the liquid collided with my bare face. Feeling cleaned already, I pulled out my towel from my bag and wiped my face on it with great careful.

Running my fingers through my hair, I breathe deeply as I stared at my reflection. I just stood there for a minute, staring. I didn't think. I just let the silence engulfed me.

After being quite relief, I neatly folded my face towel and put it inside my bag. With one last glance, I turned the doorknob and opened the damn door (p!atd) looking great as ever.

I spotted the last cubicle which was open where Alexander stayed earlier. not again. I ignored the thought and headed to the exit. And speaking of the devil, before I could got out of the main doorway, Alexander appeared.

He must have not seen me. He was face down by the way with his head covered with the hoodie. What's up with him?

I didn't actually looked at him but I've seen him in my peripheral view. And when we both crossed paths, we've just ignored each other. He proceeded inside and I stepped outside making my way to cafeteria without glancing back.

There was the urge to look but I simply cannot. I don't know why I restricted myself for looking since such rules doesn't existed. I could relate that like when you're being asked and you thought you could answer but ended up not saying anything at all.

Heading to the cafeteria, I've spotted Vic and Mike coming for me.

"There he is!" said Mike, jerking his head on my way.

Vic looked at me and sigh.

"Safe." Vic stated while nodding.

"What?" I asked, coming forward.

"Nothing." Said Vic and shrugged, I went beside him and Mike's with little spaces between the three of us.

The three of us walked, more like I only followed them and the Fuentes' lead the way. We went back to the table we were occupying earlier with the other guys. But we just only stood in front of Zack, Rian, Jaime and Tony.

"Guys, come here for a sec." Said Vic while moving his gaze around.

"What, why?" asked Jaime, the guy with spiky-like hair.

"Hime, Tony, Zack and Rian, follow me you four." Said Vic while his gaze still wondering as he was speaking.

The four boys looked at each other then shrugged. Obeying what Vic have said, they all stood up and carried their bags on their shoulders.

Some kind Of Disaster (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now