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Jack's POV

"Jack, Jack! Blink-182 released a new song." called my sister and showed me her phone.

I glared at the sight of the incoming girl and boy and averted my eyesight to the screen with a little interest.

"That's Cyrus, He's in Metro Station, dork." I said to her and she rolled her eyes, and just like me, had caught a glimpse of the two.

She playfully nudged me on my arm and I glared at her.

"Mom, mom! look, Blink-182 have released a new song." said my sister and showed her phone to mom.

I bet my blink-182 rubber bracelet that she just wanted to caught someone's attention ----  which was actually working.

"And I ain't gonna eat that, sweetie." Mom sarcastically replied and payed attention to her phone again.

"Serves you." I whispered.

"You don't have to actually eat that mom. You could just DUMP the idea." retaliated my sister, emphasizing the Dump word which I totally knew what was she talking about.

That little. I squinted my eyes at her; mentally telling her to stop.

"It's not that I care, sweetie." Said my mom hotly and I stifled a laugh. But May doesn't care anyways, she was just plainly showing off and mom just happen to be 'over' participative. You've got that?

I unintentionally turned my gaze on Kate's direction and her new boyfriend Marco. She caught me looking at her and mischievously smiled at me. I smiled back with my eyes squinting and my mouth close. Marco, Katy ' Kate's 'boyfriend, doesn't seem to mind.

"Kate, can you go upstairs and get him?" the woman came back, closing the door behind her as she spoke to Kate.

"Auntie, He wasn't very keen on the idea .. knowing that little bitch." Kate replied, whispering the last part which was audible to me.

"May, right? May can you go upstairs and knocked the first door on the left." talked the woman to May.

"Sure," was May's answered and hide her phone on her bag.

She stood up and I've watched her heading upstairs.

"Wait..." I interrupted and everyone's attention were on me, including May who turned on her heels and asked me 'what'.

"I'll get the door." I said and stood up. I passed May and said,
"Just stay there and chat your boyfriend, duh." I playfully said.

"I told you, I ain't got a --- oh alright." Said May as I inconspicuously glared at her.
She must have noticed and did understood that I can't seem to stand the atmosphere with that little bitchy niece of the woman.

"Jack would do it." said May to the woman.

"Great, I hope you won't mind Jack." she answered and smiled at me.

"Not a problem."I answered truthfully and she went to the kitchen while I turned around and went up the staircase with my hand trailing the banister.

I stopped on a small corridor of five doors. And then I headed in front of the first door which had actually the same casual wooden design as the others. I knocked once and waited for a second.

I kinda expected a hot chick to appear. Or Alexander, my mind thought. Or Alexander, or Alexander what? The fuck with Alexander. I internally cursed myself at the thought of Him.

I didn't even noticed that the door in front me swung opened and I internally cursed myself again at thinking of Alexander.
And the real Alexander was in front of me.

Some kind Of Disaster (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now