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Alex's POV

November 4, 2013

I achingly made my way to the clinic coughing blood, with my other hand on my midsection tightly clutching in pain. Why? I couldn't understand anything. I thought everything would be alright. I thought I would finally be accepted. Keyword it is, 'I thought'.

This was just a great comeback for Monday. I was just admitted out from the hospital last Sunday or yesterday to be certain, and this is what I've got.

I managed to dragged my bruised legs on the doorway of the clinic; thank goodness it wasn't even close.

"Rena! Rena.." my voice trailed off as my vision slowly became blurry.

"Rena.." I choked and tried to breathed with my eyes wanting to doze.

"Dear it's good to see you,...
Alex what have happened? Oh my God who did this to you?! I'll call your mother about this but before that I'll ...." Her voice fade all of a sudden as I felt my eyelids getting very heavy.

I couldn't fought to stay awake any longer. But all I wanted alone was to die, since I never wanted to live. I may like the idea of living if it isn't always about pain.

Letting my desires filled me in and got the best of me, I surrendered as I closed my eyes; feeling dead inside.

My senses awaken and I shot up feeling my body swelling in anguish. I looked clearly and the black dots faded as I moved my gaze around the room.

"Alex, dear. I'm so sorry for what had happened." Rena said while throwing me an apologetic look.

I tried my best to form a smile with my face inflaming but what came wasn't genuine. She sighed and I heard some noises outside the curtain, I recognized mom and dad's voice having a quarrel.
And I wished they would shut up. Rena then excused herself and went outside.

My mom and dad entered looking unamused. She sated on a chair beside my bed and my dad just stood up behind her.

"Alex, who did this to you?" Asked my mom directly, looking red. She tried to calmed her voice down, but I knew her too well. I know she's mad at me or at Tristen --- the bully.

I remained quiet. Even though I wanted to tell his name, It seems like my mouth can't. Like every energy from by body had drained, or I forgot to talk.

"Alex, can you hear me?" snapped my mom and she seem irritated. I didn't even realize I was in a trance till I was back in reality with her voice.

"Come on, Isobel. Calm down." soothed my dad.

"Calm down? how dare you tell me to calm down. Peter, look at your son. Look at him." My mom reacted. My dad shot me an apologetic look, saying sorry using his eyes.

I just moved my eyebrows, which was the only thing I could manage right now, in respond.
I wish Rena would come in and tell them to shut up. I wanted peace. And I can't have that with them.

The skies seems had heard my wish as Rena, the clinic in charge, opened the curtain and beckoned my mom and dad to get out. The both of them turned around once again and sent me their pitiful looks and went out.

When the mantle cloth falls into place and the sight of my parents had vanished, I let out a sigh.
I could still hear them outside, arguing again. I want to tell them to shut the fuck up for awhile and just care for me in silence.
But no, all they do was to bombarded me with questions. I mean it was normal to ask questions but can they please wait till I open up? Can they hint that I don't wanna talk about it? I guess they didnot.

Some kind Of Disaster (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now