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Alex's POV

"Alex, wake up..."

Someone disturb me from sleeping.

"Alex,..." someone must be losing patience. I thought it would spoked again but it left me blank on my thoughts. I tried drifting to sleep but bolted upright when someone blow unto my ear.

"What the hell..." I've muttered as I blinked and opened my eyes fully.

Kellin was the first to emerge from my sight with his locks almost covering his face, then he fixed his hair and shushed me while jerking his head to Ashby.

I turned around and saw Alan still sleeping. Kellin walked without any noise and leaned on Alan. Then he blew air into his ear like he did to me.

Alan moved his eyelids and his eyebrows in annoyance, and said some incoherent words and snored again.

I stifled a chuckle and just pursed my lips in a thin line while watching Kellin tried again.

Kellin twitched his mouth in irritation then shouted, "Alan wake up!" directly in Alan's ear.

"The fuck man, can you tone down a bit..." commented Alan being annoyed as he opened his eyes.

"Problem solved. Get up, the both of you. Chester's here." said Kellin and went to the door.

Before he could completely closed it, he added quickly, "hurry up." He said and closed the door.

"Right..." said Alan and moved himself in a sitting position like me.

"You're feeling well?" He asked as he turned to my way.

"Yes, better. I don't really know what magic they'd done but I felt good." I said truthfully like I took a deep rest and came out fully alive without no trace of being hurt at all.

But I doubt these bandages had hid the sight of my bruises so well. But without the sight of them made me felt better. And all and all, I'm fine at all with bandage-covered bruises.

"It's Oli who swathe you, he was kinda great at doing that." commented Alan.

"He stitched my wound once and after that, it went better except the scar was there. But it had faded already." Alan said and stood up.

"Come on now, Alex. You're about to meet them." said Alan with a smile plastered on his face.

"Who are they, Alan?" I asked as I moved my body to stand up. And I easily did. I caught a glimpse of my jacket soak with blood and sweat as my upper body was covered with bandage and so does my arm. I took it and sighed.

"Wait, take this...." said Alan and thrown me a peach medium shirt.

"Where did you get this?" I've asked him as I wore the shirt.

"There," he said and pointed a wardrobe using his lips.

"Right, thanks, ... But who are they?" I've asked again.

Alan went to the door and opened it for me. I drew beside him and stared at him.

"Are you gonna answer me or not?" I asked him

"Just wait and see,..." Alan then grinned and I shook my head in defeat and moved out. Alan went out and closed the door and walked.

I trailed off behind him as we walked. We treaded in a corridor with identical doors and maybe identical rooms. Then Alan and I turned right --- since left was just a white-wall dead end --- what emerged on my sight was a hallway of white walls with bulb of lights lined up towards an opened door ahead.

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