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Jack's POV

"Jack! Jack! Wake up!" I heard my sister, May, grumbled with stomps on my floor.

I kept my eyes tightly shut for a second in annoyance and decided to face her. I cock my head and looked at May who was standing beside my bed, looking rather furious.

"What?" I asked boringly and gave her a bored look.

"Your first day." She spatted out like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Duh." She added and walked out.

I abruptly sat up, still on my bed, and idled for a while with my eyes zoning out, my mouth agape, and a yawn escape.

Then realization hit me in a form of splashes from a cold water; the thought of my first day in school was such a burden to carry.

We just moved out and my mom insisted me to go to school. For Pete's sake, its halfway through the end of the school year. I know, I was, too, reluctant about the whole idea.

I convince my mom about this to let the school year passed and I would have a fresh start. But, obviously, she denied that. She doesn't wanna waste time and she f*cking made me swore I won't mess up again.

I was kicked out back then for some issues. "Suspect things" like that. But it wasn't relating to crimes. Just a blunt school issue and tons of detentions slip, resulting for my expected screw up. Well at least my mom have thought about transferring me and May for her job, for a great advantage before my expulsion, which is kinda a good thing.

But making new adjustments weren't that good for me. But I've kinda used to something I've hated. And in actuality, I did realized that it's time for me to change; To mutate into a better individual. F*cking cringe, but I like that. Really Jack?

I shrugged off my thoughts and turned to see my alarm clock that is placed on my nightstand. I shot up instantly after I saw it's nearly seven. F*cking 15 minutes before seven.

I hastily fix my bed and went to my bathroom for a quick shower. After I've done that, I've stared at my own reflection for a while and cringed at the thought that I look like an addict. A beautiful addict, to add that. Then I decided, for a second, to take off my ear piercings for a better first impression. But I've kinda used to it being there so I decided to leave the black one alone.

I was having the thought of being decent for a while. The thought of it makes me sick but kinda makes me excited. I mean I've wondered what it feels like to be one. You know, going to school and getting out without black eyes and bruises.

I think I have experience such a privilege when I was younger. I was much decent back then. But things do change. Like the ones you feared of what to be is now in you. You are your own fear.

I grabbed my greenday black shirt and a random black jeans and dressed up. I dried my hair with my towel and run my fingers through my hair, fixing it with gel.

Just as I was able to finish my fixing, my mom called from downstairs. I hurried down and eat a light breakfast with pancakes. I seriously need to lose a weight. Tho my mom took it as a hilarious idea cause she kept insisting I was in good figure, I daresay that. But there were just times I find my reflection kinda fat.

But I wasn't that fat. Maybe mom was right, I was near to 'fit'. Yeah near to it cause I really believe am not. After I've finished eating with a sense of pang in my stomach, not wanting to become more heavier, I hurried upstairs and brushed my teeth.

With one last glance in the mirror to caught my rotter like image, I took my black bag with me and rushed downstairs for my shoe. But I'm going to tell you first that I'm nice. Especially when I smile. I just hate being fragile and vulnerable, I guess that made sense.

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