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Jack's POV

We finished our lunch with Kellin looking unamused and went away after he had eaten without saying a word. Aaron, Alex, Alan, and Shayley get along with the guys too well and the guys liked them also. I went to the comfort room after my lunch and came back being fresh as ever.

The afternoon classes went by so fast like some birds for daytime in the skylight. And I jotted down some notes on my notebook which would come in handy since Vic didn't let me borrow his notes. He was probably pissed earlier when I asked him if Kellin and him did reconcile or what.

We are now on the bus while getting out as a group, and I thought Alex was still there while Rian and I talked about the music practice. But when I looked at Zack's behind again, cause Alex was there earlier, He was already gone.

"So at my place at 6, got that?" Rian reiterated and I nodded.

"You should probably tell Alex when you got home." I suggested.

"Wait -- what?! He was still here before!" reacted Zack as he turned to his back to see Alex ain't there.

Shrugging, Rian reacted. "No, I can't. I have to finished something."

"Damn, I forgot to asked his number." Zack muttered, his voice hinted a great disappointment upon himself as he checked his phone.

"How about his Facebook or Twitter account?" I suggested.

Rian muttered back, "If Alex is active on Twitter, or Facebook, or any social media platforms, that would be a completely miracle."

"He hates socializing." Rian added.

"Yeah, cause it's SoCiAl media." I joked out. But Rian looked at me with his unamused face.

"Fine,.. I'll get him later." I added and rolled my eyes at the smaller guy.

"Great,.. now bring any instruments the both of you could play." He added.

"Alright, alright..." I nodded.

"I think that's it. We'll just sort things out later if we're already back there on my house." Rian spoked in finality.

"So excited," Zack cited.

"Yeah,.. okay bye." I jerked my head and went away as the two of them walked the other way.

"Hey, don't forget at 6!" yelled Rian while walking backwards.

"Right,.. wait! Should I get going at 6 or arrive at your house at 6?!" I yelled back.

"The latter!" Rian yelled.

"Right, see you really soon!" I yelled back and faced my way as I walked towards our house.

I opened the gate with its metallic sound triggered and went inside to see the garage empty. I bet Mom and May are still out. And I'm home alone.

The idea of my favourite movie brought me an ecstatic vibe, plus the music practice. In great speed, I got the key out of the plant and unlocked the door.

I went inside while removing my shoes and putting them on the shoe rack with my socks on my hand. I jogged upstairs and quickly went to my room, putting the socks in the laundry basket.

I've thrown my bag at the mattress and hastily removed my shirt. Rummaging in the wardrobe, I found a sweatshirt that I decided to put on.

Spotting my electric guitar, I got it and give it a quick strum; tuning it. It sounded good. I then placed it on it's case and brought it downstairs with my phone in my pocket.

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