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Jack's POV

Jaime wasn't awake yet and we've took our lunch earlier in a nearby luncheonette near the hospital with Mike on duty of watching Jaime. After we took our lunch, Mike went out to take his.

In every three hours, a female nurse would visit and check Jaime. 'He was under surveillance as his wound was fatal', the nurse says. We would only hope he would wake up as Jaime had never since Yesternight.

The hatred would actually attacked every time a nurse would enter. Right now, Mike; Vic; Austin; Tony and I were on our phones with a nurse checking Jaime.

"When will he wake up?" asked Tony with his leg on top of his other leg.

"He should wake up in a day or two. And if he didn't in the third day, with his cardiac results low, we would took him for a second surgery.

"But if he's cardiac results are normal. We could assure that he'll wake up sooner than expected." she says.

"That's it for now..." she muttered while writing something on her notepad.

"Excused me..." she said and closed the door.

"Did Rian replied?" asked Mike on Vic.

"He didn't. But Zack did. He says Rian's battery got dead." said Vic and shook his head.

"Right... " said Mike and turned to his phone.

"Who are you texting to, Austin?" asked Tony and I looked at Austin as well. He was grinning while attending his phone, by the way.

"Alan." He muttered and shrugged his head.

"You?" asked Austin back to Tony.

"Shayley. They're coming tonight." answered Tony.

"I've sent messages to Phil, Andy, and Tino. They didn't replied yet." muttered Mike.

"HAHA! Aaron replied!" remarked Mike playfully, showing us his phone.

"Dude, first time?" Tony sarcastically asked.

Instead of answering, Mike just glared at him and turned to his phone. I'm currently texting Alex. And yes, he did replied.

3:17 PM

Jack: How's everything in there?

3:18 PM

Alex: Fine. The teachers weren't asking too much questions. How's Jaime?

3:19 PM

Jack: He's still sleeping. I meant he didn't wake up from last night till the mean moment. You're coming with them tonight?

3:20 PM

Alex: Yes.

3:20 PM

Jack: Are you in English now or Science?

3:21 PM

Alex: English with Ms. Williams.

3:22 PM

Jack: Is she discussing right now?

3:23 PM

Alex: Yes. About Greek Mythology.

3:23 PM

Jack: Tough kid eh.

3:24 PM

Alex: I know.

3:24 PM

Alex: I'll chat you later. Love You. XD

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