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Jack's POV

We easily walked out of the campus --- Vic, Austin and I --- and waited on a nearby post on Boulevard Street for Mike.

It was a good ten minutes or fifteen when the gang's red lamborghini appeared on our sight with great speed. It halted in a smooth brake in front of us three and Mike appeared as he lowered the window shield.

"Get in." He said and raised the window closed.

Austin went on the front seat, and Vic and I settled on the passenger seat. Closing the passenger door, the car then pulled off as it goes in great speed towards the hospital.

We settled our bags on the car which I tossed at the back since nothing was fragile inside them.

As I stared at the window; to the outside view. I can't help but think about the last look Alex had given me. He was unemotional. He was on his poker face again. He did saw me glared at Zack when he spoked. I hope he won't get it. I hope he won't find out who we really are.

My trance slipped away after Mike made a sharp turn and made a sudden brake. And the best thing was I didn't use the seatbelt which made my face collided on the soft seat.

I heard Vic chuckled and the opening of the front door in the car. I got the passenger door open and went outside while rubbing my nose, feeling irk at the same time.

Mike and Austin led the way and we went inside the elevator. Mike pressed the fourth floor button and we all got dragged by the strong force towards the fourth floor. The was a 'ting' sound made as the elevator door had opened revealing a white schemed place.

The lights above were aligned in every corridors. And Mike was quick to leave, followed by Austin then Vic. I came last as the four of us walked together in the dull hallway with the nurse eyeing us as we passed the nurse station.

We walked on an upward slope surface and made a turned on a new empty hallway with doors aligned on the right portion of the hall.

We halted in room 28 and Mike turned the doorknob opened. The sight of Jaime emerged wearing nothing on his upper part and a hospital gown on his lower. Wires were placed on his chest while he got his oxygen tank beside him --- connecting the small tube on his nostrils. Dextrose and liquid type medicines were placed on his right arm with the needle connecting into his skin.

He got that cardiac monitoring machine beside him, giving that sound never similar to a heartbeat of a human but the heartbeat of a mechanical notion.

My eyes eye his left arm being supported by thick white bandages and another dextrose being hung on a higher rack. I then blinked as I noticed something rather intriguing and familiar.

I drew closer to him while hearing Mike, Austin, and Vic talking and didn't seem to notice me getting closer to Jaime. I peered down and got astonished as I saw the Gangsta48 band aid on the medical tape being attached on the needle.

"Guys.." I warily said without breaking my gaze off the symbol.

"What?" said Austin as he stepped up beside me.

"Look." I said and jerked my head on the direction of the aid.

Austin picked the band aid with his face rather serious and turned to Vic and Mike.

"Gangsta48." Austin muttered under his breath like spitting out venoms; unworthy of his mouth.

"Let me see... No way. The motherfucker... I can't believe this." Mike shook his head as Austin handed him the gang symbol.

That black band aid with written figures of 'G.A.N.G.S.T.A.48' and a rose and gun picture represents that the Team48 had dominated the enemy. Gangsta48 never kills. And Silent_Reapers don't kill as well.

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