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Jack's POV

The second and third period of the afternoon went splendid for a first day. And now I'm on the bus from earlier with Zack and Rian. The dudes were just sharing the neighborhood with me and probably we could hang out on weekend with the other guys.

The three of us settled on the backseat which was actually a seat for five students. But no one seems to mind. We were talking about Music (the subject) and Rian suggested we should combine our groups since we were in the same neighborhood, and I thought he was kidding so I just nodded.

But he excused himself earlier and actually went on Ms. Hayley Kiyoko's office then told her about it, and guess what, Ms. Kiyoko agreed.

I've been telling him that Alexander might get mad at me. I know he was pissed at me earlier and I'm pretty sure it was involuntary that he agreed of me becoming his partner in music.
But Rian told me Alexander was his neighbour and he guess it'll be okay. He even shared he was on Alexander's birthday last year with Zack and some kids on the same place who were his classmates, and that Alexander talked with him. I could hardly believe that.

Zack and Rian were pretty cool to be with and I think we don't even need a week to make this friendship clicks. We all love Music and bands, and I guess that solves everything.

The bus was nearly full and students were coming in. I leaned over the window and stared outside, then I looked down and saw Alexander who was on his hoodie and getting up on the bus.
I've seen him in my peripheral vision coming closer and settled beside Zack since his former seat was taken, and I assumed he likes sitting at the back and this was the remaining back 'seat' to be shared with five people and we were now four.

There was an uncomfortable silence I've felt and I just remained quiet with Zack and Rian talking.

"Oh hey, Alexander!" I heard Rian greeted, and Rian was sitting beside me. I thought about being swallowed on the ground for a second as I heard his name. And that was bullshit since I felt being humiliated.

"I was thinking that the four of us would perform together on music next week. It won't be quite a hassle since we were just few blocks away from each other. So umm, is it okay with you?" stated Rian straightforwardly and I heard Alexander responded 'sure'. My eyes widened at what he have said and later shrugged it when he repeated his answer.

"Great!" applauded Rian and nudged me on my arm.

"I told ya, it wasn't a problem." Rian spoked to me and I immediately frowned.

"What?!" I've asked defensively. I meant I did heard Alexander said sure twice. And it's not that kind of a big deal.

"Um, Alex agreed." he said while jerking his head to Alex.

"Ah, alright." I've responded plainly with a nod and I stared at the view outside the window feeling awkward again.

The rest of the rides were plainly talking, of Zack and Rian mostly. Me and Alexander were just saying yeah or no when we were ever included in their conversation. Some of the students were leaving off when the bus pulled over at bus stops that I did remembered stopping each of 'em last time.

Then passed the time on our ride and we reached our street, which was the two girls, Zack, Rian, Alexander and My neighborhood. And we're the only ones left and the driver.

He pulled the bus off at the designated area and we stood on our feets and went out with Alexander on last.

"Catch 'ya later."  Rian and Zack bid farewell, and I didn't even notice where Alexander did go.

Astonished and confused, I tracked down the familiar road
which was few steps away from our house. I halted and pushed my way off the gate painted with a lovely red colour, and the little garden welcomed me on the pathway which my mom did with the daffodils and daisies we had from our former home.

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