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The second period ended with Ms. Taylor discussing the whole lesson about Space Rocks. Not that I'm not interested.

We're now in the cafeteria on the same table where Vic and the guys with me settled from before but now with Austin.

"No, I really think Phil and Tino should transfer here." said Austin while eating his lasagna.

"They're better there, and you know... Kinda useful for..." said Vic and nodded at the last part.

"Well it's not that bad to repeat a year, right Vic?" teased Austin.

"Yeah... Seriously, yeah." Vic answered and we all laughed.

While laughing, with my eyes partly closed, I caught a glimpse of --- is that Alex? And the Shayley boy? being booed while they were in quite a state of mess at a short distance. I halted laughing and the boys must have seen me and they turned their heads to see Alex and the boy being kicked.

Austin hastily wiped off his mouth with a tissue and dumped it on his plate as he was finished with his snack. He surprisingly stood up and headed to the fighting range.

"Oi, oi! Where are you going?! --- wait up!"  exclaimed Jaime and finished his food and grabbed his bag to follow Austin. Mike and Vic hurried eating and so did I.

"Leave the plates here, Zack and I would give them to the lady later." said Rian while still chewing after I attempted to get everyone's plate.

"Okay, thanks Rian!" I've quickly muttered and settled my bag on my shoulder as I stood up and followed the others.

"Beat the guy for me!" I heard Zack yelled and I turned around yelling, "no violence!" and stuck out my tongue. I never meant no violence at all.

I turned around and jostled among the annoying crowd which was encircling the bullies  as they laugh at Alex and Shayley.

I spotted Austin easily for his tall feature and pushed myself closer to Vic.

"What's happening here?" Asked Austin to Vic.

"They were beating them, obviously." Vic spatted out while the cheering noises were loud on our ears.

"How come you didn't -----" stopped Austin in mid sentence.

"Did what, beat them too? Austin, we're on state of white-hot everywhere." said Vic as a matter-of-fact while Alex was being violently pushed on a seat and he completely lose control as he collided himself on the ground with the seats around him; creating an impact.

"Tell me who's gay now, Gayskarth!" yelled the boy and I scowled as I recognized that voice from the toilet. And that was yesterday.

"Urghh, poor fag Shay... Your ginger knight in shining boyfriend won't even defend you." spatted by one of the two bullies. 

"He's not my boyfriend...." Shayley trailed off and got punched on his face.

"I told you, don't speak while I'm talking." he scolded while putting his hand around Shay's throat.

A girl which I have seen from the neighborhood --- and I don't quite recognize her name, maybe it was Jenna or Tay, I dunno --- ran at the center and cried as she helped Alex.

"Who is this, are you Gayskarth's girlfriend?" said the guy and held the girl's jaw. Another girl followed looking more fiercer than the first one and snapped the guy's hand.

"What the fuck!" grumbled the guy.

"Leave her alone." she snapped with her thickish accent and grabbed the other girl's hand and dragged the girl with her out of the crowd.

Some kind Of Disaster (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now