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(Rain's POV:)

I look down at Naeus, the King of the Nether, the most feared being in the worlds, Dead with my sword, the End sword in his chest. The Overworld had won the war and Naeus's tyranny will fall alongside him, peace will finally be restored among all of the worlds.

A few minuets later, the Nether Horde surrendered and ran back to the Nether portals which eventually closed behind them, And now I was walking the very long walk back to the village, I made half of the way back alone until I herd someone shout my name.

"Raaaaiiiiiinnnnn!" I herd someone yell out of breath.

I turn around to see a nether~kin running at me. However I don't run away or attack, I just stand there and smile because that isn't just some regular demon. No, that is my best friend, the sweetest, friendliest cinnamon roll you will ever meet...and the most beautiful...I said nothing!

"Hey-" I tried to speak before Stella just ran at me and hugged me, thing is she ran so fast that she knocked us to the ground, thank the three inches of snow on the ground. I feel my face heat up.

"EEEE Rain! We did it! We finally won the war!" She shouted happily. I smile hugging her back. Normally, I don't like physical contact like hugs and stuff, but I always make an exception for Stella.

"Yep, we did." A new voice said joining the chat, I look up to see Daryll the leader of the bandits who was on his horse. He got off and helped both of us up. "Mind if I walk with you?"

"Nah, we don't mind. C'mon, lets go home." I say.

We where walking alongside the river back home, the three of us where joking around, talking, Daryll was shipping both me and Stella again, I saved Stella from almost falling into the river when the two of us where chasing after that bandit, then she saved Daryll when I tried to kill him. Then poof, we where back home. Both Stella and I where talking while Daryll was putting his horse away in it's stall when a knight came up to me and said,


I sigh, "You tame one dragon and that becomes your nickname for the rest of your life." I mumble loud enough for only Stella to hear me. She giggled in response before I turn around, "Yes?"

"Grandmaster Patrick wants to see you in his office."

Patrick wants to see me? Am I in trouble again? I ask myself. "Okay, I'll be there." I said.

"Rain? What did you do now?" Stella asked me and I just shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not sure, however I am sure about the fact that he will kill me." I joke. She got the hint and continued.

"Nuuuu!" Stella said in a joking way while hugging my arm.

"I have to go face death now. Hope I make it back!" I say trying to pry her arms off of mine.

"Nuuuu! Don't go Rain, I luv you!" She said before laughing, I blush slightly but start to laugh.

"No, for real, I got to go."

"Oh, sorry." She said before removing her arms from my arm. "Good luck Dragontamer."

"Also report any Pazura moments to us!" Daryll shouts from inside the stall. Both Stell and I laugh a bit before I head off to Grandmaster Patrick's office.

Even though I tried not to, I thought of everything I did wrong since day one so if he yelled at me, I'd know why. I didn't get far though,

Okay...Stole one of Azura's prototype guns
Went to the Nether alone,
Got stabbed a lot doing so
Almost died a hundred times-

Then poof, I was in front of Ser Patrick's office. I walk up to the door and knock,

"Enter." I hear him say. He didn't sound mad or even annoyed, just sounded...calm for once.

I take a deep breath before walking in.

"Sire? You asked to see me?" I said. He looked up at me and nodded.

"That I did." He paused, "Someone...rather important to me has told me that you where the one to kill this the truth?"

"Yes sir." I said nodding

I don't know what I expected to happen, but it wasn't this. Patrick simply nodded and smiled, In the three years of me being here, I don't think I have ever seen the Grandmaster smile. He got out of his chair and turned towards the window.

"Is something wrong Sire?" I asked.

"It's nothing, I just...sigh, I never thought in a million years that I'd ever be able to see the end of this war." He said, I stand next to him.

"What so you mean by that?" I ask.

He paused, "This war has been going on for far too long, I was just a kid when the Nether first attacked and...too many innocent people's lives where taken. I guess that I'm just glad no more people have to die."

I nod, "Agreed."

There was a short silence,

"Hey Rain? What are you going to do now since the war is over?" Patrick asked.

"...I haven't really thought about that. Glacierford is destroyed and that was the only home I've ever know other the Frostbourne. I... I'm not sure."

Patrick nods, "Understandable. That is a common feeling based off of the circumstances that had happened."

"....If you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do after the war?" I asked.

He smiled, "I'll give you a hint, but you can't tell, it involves a ring an-" I didn't even let him finish before I said,

"So you're finally proposing to Lady Azura?" I ask. He looked at me in shock.

"How in the Nether realm did you get that so quickly?"

"Heh, you two where terrible at keeping your relationship hidden. Stella, Daryll, and I called you two getting together for years now."

"Ah, yes, you and the shipping squad."

"...Shipping squad?"

"Never mind, now, you are dismissed." Patrick said and I walked to the door. "Wait, Rain?"


"You're a good kid, reckless...but a good kid. I'm sure you'll find out what you want to do. Anyways, have a good day."

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