A mission

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(Stella's POV:)

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head when I sat up. So quickly, I lied back down unaware that I had woken up Rain.

"Stella...? You're up. You okay?" He asked tiredly.

I shake my head, "I have a bad headache."

"Oh, do you want me to get you water or something like that?"

I nod and he gets up. A few minutes later he came back with a cup of ice water and handed it to me before lying down in bed.

"Thank you Rain." I say before taking a sip of water which helps my headache a lot.

He rolls over and lied his head down in my lap, "It nothing. I wuv you." He said falling back asleep.

Why does Rain act so cute when he's half awake? Not saying that he isn't normally cute, it's just, he acts like a cute little baby and just... AH-

I then noticed something under my hat, I first pick up my hat and take what looks to be an envelope. Realizing my hands are full, I place my hat on Rain's head before opening the envelope.

Dear Stella,

I hope you wake up and are feeling okay! You where bitten by a spider, thankfully it wasn't poison and just a sleeping potion so you should be able to work. By the way, Grandmaster Patrick wants to meet with you, Rain, Daryll, and I tomorrow at 10 o'clock. But for now rest,

With love,

I smile before feeling something in the envelope. When I took it out I realized it was the key to my room. Azura! She took my key!

Yes, I did take your key. You left it in my room and I was going to return it, but then I heard what you said at the party and wanted to keep it a little longer. By the way, nothing happened, Shut up! >:P

From, an angry blueberry

Okay, nine times out of ten Patrick wrote the 'Angry Blueberry' thing to mess with Azura.
I put the envelope and key down on the nightstand, finish my water, and lay down and fall back asleep.

(Rain's POV:)

Both Stella and I where spooning (me of course as big spoon) when I felt Stella start tapping my nose. I open my eyes to see her awake with her index finger on the tip of my nose.

"Finally awake sleepy head! We have to get up." She said and I close my eyes again.




"I'll bite you if you don't open your eyes in three seconds." I laugh.

"I'm fine with that."

She counted to three before leaning over and biting my neck. Even with her fangs, it still didn't hurt, it actually tickled a bit.

"Come on Rain! It's 9:50! Grandmaster wanted to see us at 10 o'clock sharp!"

Oh shi-

My eyes popped open and I sat up, "What! Why didn't you wake me up sooner!"

"Because I overslept as well! Do you not have an alarm clock!"

"...I kinda threw it out a window the first week I got here."

Stella gave me a death stare,
"If I didn't love you that much, you would've had the same fate." She muttered.

"Just, get you armor on and we'll head out!"

We darted into the meeting room already five minutes late. We burst through the door gasping for air. Everyone turns to us,

"Your late!" Patrick said.

"Don't you think we know that!"

Azura sighed, "Sire, not now. I have a bad enough headache as it is."

He turned to her and kissed her on the forehead, "Right, sorry Lady Azura." He turned back to us and sighed,

"Sorry, just take your seats and we'll start."

"Yes sir." We said before sitting down.

I was rather surprised that Patrick didn't yell at us or anything for being late like he normally does. Was it because Azura- no, we fight even when she's around. Heck she's the one breaking us up if we get into a fist fight, course we always apologize to her later for acting like children, but still. I'll ask him about it later.

"Okay, now that we're all here, I wanted to tell you all that we're all going on a scouting mission. Scientists have traced the location of the portal that spider queen left in." Patrick began.

"Where does it lead to?" Daryll asked.

"I'm not sure," he turned to Azura and gave her a piece of paper "Do you know where these coordinates?" He asked.

After a minute, she said "I need to get a book from my office really quickly. Is that okay?"


Azura ran as fast as she could to her office while we all waited for her to get back. After a bit she finally got back (which was only about a minute)

She barely had enough oxygen to talk. So she gave Stella the book so she could read it off.

Dang, how fast did she run? I think to myself.

Normally, Azura could run pretty fast without needing a minute to catch her breath.

Stella opened the book to a page that had been bookmarked then looked to Azura confused. I could see why. That page had at least ten sentences that where highlighted with either a red, light blue, and pink marker/highlighter.

"Third....paragraph....first...p-page." she said in between gasps for air.

She did look at the paragraph, which had two sentences on of which was highlighted in red, and the other pink. Stella looks back to Azura.

"...Red...wow I'm never... running that fast... again."

"Okay...uh coordinates 28, 67, -8 lead to the abandoned End fortress. People are advised to stay away for rumors of a cloaked, red-eyed man with the power to glitch anywhere or hack anything into existence."

"So, that's where we're going huh?" I ask.

"The trip there and back would be a month at the most." Daryll said.

"Not talking about stopping because of weather, or night breaks." Azura said getting her breathing back to normal.

"Yeah, well pack your bags, we're leaving after lunch." Patrick said and we all went to go pack.

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