We meet again

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(Stella's POV:)

Ciara was true to her word. We got to the Netherbane around five in the afternoon. All of us had just finished talking with the Netherbane about why we where here and about that attack. They allowed us to stay the night and said they'd keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

Right now, I was alone in Rain and my room, him and Leon where out. He wanted to get other necessities for Leon like diapers, an extra bottle, cloths, and even a toy. Rain also wanted to give me a small break in taking care of him. I never minded doing it, but he was getting a bit worried for me so I let him.

I was reading the wither spellbook when I saw a spider on the wall (not like the mob, just like the size you'd see in real life)

I dropped the book and ran to Azura's room and knock on the door. After a few seconds, Patrick opened the door.

"Hey um sir? Is Azura here?" I ask.

He nods "Blueberry, it's for you."

I hear her groan and walk to the door taking off her googles not looking at me. She was wearing her lab coat, dark blue t-shirt and black shorts so I assume she was fixing her wings.

"Patrick how many times do I need to tell you not to- Oh! Stella!" She said.

"Yep...who did you think I was?"

"I don't know? Ciara came over to talk and Patrick called me that in front of her."

"Yeah... after she left she chased me around the room for five minutes."

"...Okay... um well I kinda need your help... please."

"A spider?" She asked. I nod and she sighs annoyed.

"I'll be back Patrick." She said and kissed him on the cheek before following me.

I lead her to mine and Rain's room. But when I opened the door and walk in. But the next thing I knew Azura was lying on the ground with a dart in her neck and I see the green eyed girl holding my son. I snap into momma bear mode and draw my sword.

"What are you doing here! And why are you-" I was saying before putting a finger to her lips.

"Shhh... you don't want to wake him." She said pointing to my son.

"Put him down right now!" I say quietly.

She listens to me and puts my sleeping baby boy in his crib. After she dose so, I use a spell to teleport myself over to her and put my arcane blade up to her throat.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't cut your throat open right now."

She looks at me dead in the eye. "Because... I wanted to speak with you and you only."

The woman looked to be speaking the truth, but I didn't lighten up, instead I put my blade even closer to her throat.

"Okay if you came to speak then I will give you a choice. You tell me your name, or you tell me what in the Nether you did to my friend and son!"

She never broke eye contact. "I did nothing to your son, I might work for 303 but I'm not a heartless monster."

"Now. What about my friend."

"Ah, you mean the grandmaster's fiancée right, Lady Azura?" I nod.

"I did nothing to harm her, it was just a small sleeping potion. And, didn't I say I wanted to speak with you? Only you?"

I sigh pulling my blade away from her throat before leaning close to her ear and whispered,

"One wrong move, you're neck will look like a blood waterfall." I lean away allowing her to get up.

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